TYBCOM Sem 6 Psychology of human behaviour Question Paper
April 2019
[Time: 3 Hours] [Marks: 100]
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Q1. A) Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below (Any Ten) : (10)
1) A work ______________ interacts primarily to share information and make decisions to help members perform in areas of responsibility.
a) Team
b) Group
c) Roles
d) Models
2) ______________team do not have the authority to unilaterally implement their recommendations for improvement.
a) Problem solving
b) Cross-functional
c) Self-managed
d) Virtual
3) A ________________of resources directly reduces the ability of a team to perform effectively.
a) Structure
b) Scarcity
c) Abundance
d) Complete
4) The potential for conflict increases when either too little or _____________ communication takes place.
a) Occasional
b) Too much
c) One-way
d) Two-way
5) __________ conflict means emotional involvement in a conflict that creates anxiety, tenseness, frustration and hostility.
a) Functional
b) Felt
c) Perceived
d) Process
6) The desire to withdraw from or suppress a conflict is ___________intention.
a) Avoiding
b) Collaborating
c) Accommodating
d) Competing
7) __________ factors can influence interpretation of emotions.
a) Environmental
b) Cultural
c) Social
d) Natural
8) The central idea behind___________ is to identify and modify the emotions one feels.
a) Emotion regulation
b) Cascading model of emotional intelligence
c) Mood regulation
d) Positive emotions
9)___________ lead to deviant workplace behaviour.
a) Negative emotions
b) Positive emotions
c) Emotional Regulation
d) Emotions
10) The collapse of the financial sector and global recession are examples of __________
a) Social trends
b) Workforce changes
c) Economic shocks
d) Technological changes
11) Stress is associated with demands and___________
a) Hindrances
b) Challenges
c) Resources
d) Goals
12) Role___________ occurs when the employee is expected to do more than time permits.
a) Overload
b) Ambiguity
c) Underload
d) Overlap
Q.2 B) State whether the following statements are True or False (Any Ten): (10)
- Problem-solving team members are from same hierarchical level who come together to accomplish a task.
- Effective teams do not exhibit trust among its members.
- Teams do worse when they have one or more highly disagreeable members.
- There are six stages in the conflict process.
- Intentions means the use of resolution and stimulation techniques to achieve the desired level of conflict.
- All things being equal integrative bargaining is better than distributive bargaining.
- Moods are action oriented in nature.
- Emotions are caused by general events.
- Emotion is a factor in hiring employees.
- Economic demands are related to a person’s job.
- Challenge stressors keep you from reaching your goals.
- Addicts are people obsessed with their work.
Q.2 Answer any two of the following. (15 Marks)
a) Define team. Describe the different types of teams.
b) Discuss how team composition affects team effectiveness.
c) What are the different team processes that influences team effectiveness.
Q3 Answer any two of the following (15 Marks)
a) Discuss the two possible outcomes from conflicting situations in an organization.
b) Explain various Conflict Management Techniques.
c) Write a note on distributive bargaining.
Q4 Answer any two of the following (15 Marks)
a) Define emotion and explain the basic emotions.
b) What is Emotional Intelligence? Discuss the arguments for and against Emotional Intelligence.
c) Discuss the impact of emotions and moods on negotiation, customer service and deviant workplace behaviours.
Q.5 Answer any two of the following. (15 Marks)
a) Explain the various organizational factors that cause stress.
b) Describe the effects of stress on the behaviour of an individual.
c) Discuss different individual approaches to managing stress.
Q.6 Write short notes on (Any Four) (20 Marks)
a) Differentiate between team and group.
b) Contextual factors influencing team effectiveness.
c) Interactionist view of conflict.
d) Regulation of emotions.
e) Personality, social activities and age as sources of emotion.
f) Stimulants of change.
TYBCOM Sem 6 Question Papers 2019 pdf
TYBCOM Sem 6 Question Papers 2019
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- Review your exam after you’re done: After you’re finished, review your paper for a while. By doing this, you’ll be able to correct any mistakes you may have made and provide any answers you’re not sure about.
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