FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 2 Notes
(Impact of Technology Enabled Communication)
Q1) Choose the correct answers:
1) Blog is a shortened form of the words __________________ .
a) Blogspot
b) Interblog
c) Weblog
d) Socioblog
2) A ________________ owns, runs or maintains a blog.
a) Blogtrainer
b) Blogger
c) Webber
d) Portal
3) ____________ is the acronymn for modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment.
(a) Model
(b) Modle
(c) Moodel
(d) Moodle
4) Moodle is a ____________.
(a) peripheral
(b) hardware
(c) telecare
(d) software
5) Moodle moots are _________________.
(a) mobile centres
(b) conferences
(c) selling counters
(d) call centres
6) Social media creates ___________________ Communities using a computer.
(a) vicious
(b) virtual
(c) real
(d) vain
7) ____________ social networking service allows you to talk to strangers.
(a) Facebook
(b) Whatsapp
(c) Twitter
(d) Yahoo
8) ______________ social networking service helps connect with old friends.
(a) Facebook
(b) Whatsapp
(c) Twitter
(d) Yahoo
9) ______________ follows a ‘store and forward’ mechanism.
(a) Facebook
(b) Whatsapp
(c) Twitter
(d) Yahoo
10) _____________ social networking service provides free gaming facilities.
(a) Facebook
(b) Whatsapp
(c) Twitter
(d) Yahoo
Q1 B) Match the following columns:
Column A | Column B (Answers) |
1) Blogs with short posts | tumblelog |
2) Blog with photos | photoblog |
3) Ongoing diary | Personal blog |
4) Blogs with multiple authors and one theme | Collaborative blogs |
5) Blog comprising videos | vlog |
6) Blogs with small pieces of digital content | Microblog |
7) Wearable Wireless Webcam | Sousveillance |
8) Blog used for marketing | Corporate blog |
9) Blog with links | linklog |
10) Blog written by mobile device | moblog |
Q1 C) State whether the following statements are True or False :
- WAN connects a number of computers spread over a relatively small area – False
- www is a user friendly facet of Internet – True
- E-mail is a slow means of communication – False
- E-commerce is an electronic means of conducting business – True
- Whatsapp is a free to download messenger app for smart phones – True
- When direct connection is established, a microcomputer is said to be off line
- Tweets are sent through facebook – False
- Walls and timelines are offered by facebook – True
- Twitter can be used on smartphones – True
- Whatsapp server keeps the message for 30 days in its database if it is not delivered – True.
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