FYBBI Syllabus
(Semester 1)
(FYBBI means First Year Bachelor Banking and Insurance)
Following are the list of FYBBI Subjects (Semester I):
1) Environment and Management of Financial Services
2) Principles of Management
3) Effective Communication : Paper – I
4) Economics : Paper – I
5) Quantitative Methods : Paper I
6) Introduction to Computer Systems
FYBBI Syllabus
(Semester 1)
Chapter 1 – Environment of Financial Services
Nature and Scope of Banking, Insurance and other Financial Services in Economic Growth:
An Overview of Indian Financial System and its constituents.
A broad understanding of Terms of “Banking, Insurance and Other Financial Services their meaning and their use in daily Business. Justification or inclusion of Banking and Insurance also in the package of Financial Service”.
Chapter 2 – Banking – Origin and Development of Indian Banking.
Present Structure : Central Banking (RBI): Commercial Banking (Nationalized and Private): Cooperative Banking: Development Banking; (Financial Institutions like NABARD, IDBI. SIDBI. Exim Bank, IFCI. ICICI, SHCL. DFHI. NHB, SFCs etc..) investment Banking: International Banking. Roles and Functions of different types of Banking.
Regulatory Framework governing the functioning of different types of Banks (RBI Act. 1984, Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and ): Laws and Enactments affecting day to day Banking Operations – Collections and Payments. Indemnities.
Bank Guarantees. Letter of Credit. Bill Discounting. Bill Financing and Securities (Indian Contracts Act, Sale of Goods Act. Negotiable Instruments Act, Evidence Act. Indian Partnership Act, Indian Company Law etc.
Chapter 3 – Insurance – Need for and Importance of Insurance:
Risk Management, Risk and Return Relationships: Types of Risks, Qualification of Risks;
Branches of Insurance (Life and General – Different Schemes);
Insurance Business Environment;
Mathematical Basis of Life Insurance, Reinsurance Cover,
Regulatory and Legal Framework governing the Insurance; Business and Economics of Insurance.
Need for changing Mindset. Latest Trend,
Chapter 4 – Other Financial Services:
Objectives of Financial Services
Types of Financial Services—Classified on the basis of Market Instruments used – Capital Market Services, Issue Management/Merchant Banking, Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds.
Investing and Broking, Dematerilsation of Securities. Money Market Services (Arbitrating in and distribution of Money Market Instruments such as Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposits, T-Bills, Transactions in Repose & Reverse Repose.
Commercial Bills etc., Management of short-term funds such as money Market Mutual Funds, Managing Receivables that is, Factoring or Bills Discounting) Asset Related Credits such as Leasing, Hire-Purchase, Stock Financing & Venture Financing:
Risk- based such as Letters of Credit, Guarantees and Bills Receivables, Mortgages & Housing Finance.
Financial Engineering and Advisory services – Concepts – Procedures/Formalities and Regulatory and Legal framework governing the functioning of Money Markets. Reform of the Financial System – Financial Services – Challenges Ahead.
Chapter 2 – Management of Financial Services
- Banking Finance.
- Consumer Finance
- Securitization
- Swaps
- Factoring
- Electronic Banking
- Venture Capital
- Disinvestment
- Leasing or Lease Finance
- Derivatives
- International Finance (Foreign-Exchange)
Chapter 1 – Nature of Management :
Definition of Management. Nature of Management. Management as a Science, as an Art. as a Profession- Professionalization of Management, Traditional Management Vs. Professional Management, Level of Management.
Chapter 2 – Development of Management Thought :
Taylor’s Scientific Management, Contribution of Henri Fayol, Contribution of Peter Druker, Contribution of behavioural scientists and Indian Management thoughts.
Chapter 3 – Management Process :
Functions of Management, coordination, Planning, Organizing, Controlling, Directing, Decision Making. Motivating and Leadership.
Chapter 4 – Planning & Decision Making :
Definition and importance of Planning, steps in Planning, Corporate Planning. Strategic Planning. Limitations of Planning. Forecasting Concepts and technique of forecasting, planning premises.
Chapter 5 – Organizing :
Organization Structure, Process of organizing, Basic structures and operating Mechanism, Features of a good Organization structure, Organization Chart-Organization Manual Departmentalization. Authority and Responsibility, Management of change – Delegation. Types of organization.
Chapter 6 Controlling :
Steps In Controlling, Essentials of effective controlling. Importance of controlling control techniques. Budgetary control.
Break even analysis. Pert-CPM-Management audit. Human resource audit, social audit.
Chapter 7 Motivation :
Theories of Motivation. Maslows need hirarchy. Hezberg’s motivation. ‘Hygiene theory
McGregor’s theory -X and rooms expectancy theory and theory-Y
Chapter 8 Leadership :
Definition. Importance. Leadership styles. Effective leadership, Quality of good leader & Mentor.
Chapter 9 Staffing :
Recruitment and Selection, sources of man-power, selection process. Training and Development
FYBBI Sem 1 Business Communication – I Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Theory Of Communication
Definition, need and importance of Communication, Process of Communication, Objectives of Communication e.g. Information, education, training, order and Instruction. Motivation, persuasion, suggestion. Counselling and advice. Characteristics of effective communication
A-1 Listening:
Definition of Listening, Types of Listening – projective emphatic, marginal etc.
How to listen effectively (Practice may be given to the students in listening with comprehension with special emphasis on significant words, sentences & sequence of thought.) Barriers to listening- marginal, intellectual, pretended.
A-2 Reading:
Reading with fluency and speed Ways of reading (skimming, scanning, extensive reading. Intensive reading.
Subskills of reading:
Identifying inferring interpreting, collecting and reordering relevant Information from texts. Recognising vocabulary, -grammatical structure and textual organisation. (Practice may be given to the students in recognising & understanding cohesive devices and coherence)
A-3 Writing:
Vocabulary and grammar (practice may be given to the-students In using’ vocabulary
and grammatical structures arising out of texts related to financial’- services including
acquaintance with financial terms)
Factual Writing
Notice, circular, agenda, resolutions, minutes, agreements etc.
Editing and summarising.
Rewriting editing, shortening condensing, preparing abstracts.
A-4 Speaking:
Naturalness and fluency
Pronunciation and sentence stress
Voice modulation, Confidence and sensitivity to audience.
B. “You” Attitude (‘You’ attitude has to be emphasised in the practice of all the above-mentioned
MODES OF COMMUNICATION : Verbal and Nonverbal. Verbal- Oral and written communication.
Face to face communication
Nonverbal-Facial expressions, gestures, signs, symbols, signals. sketches, graphs, maps,
charts, posters. Silence
C. Conventional and Electronic
Conventional mail telex telephone/telegraph. Electronic Fax, computers, internet E-mail websites. 99
COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS : Enquiry order, persuasion, complaints, ‘claims, adjustments, (practice may be given to the students in using specimen ‘documents e.g. circulars from SEBI, RBI bulletins, Govt. notifications rules, amendments, advertisements, sales letters etc. and other relevant material may be used to explicate the above mentioned functions)
BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION : Types of barriers – Physical and mechanical. Psychological linguistic and socio-cultural How to overcome barriers
WRITTEN COMMUNICATION : Principles of letter writing. Layout/Format of business letters Application, appointment, confirmation, promotion, demotion, termination. Bio-data. Testimonials.
ORAL COMMUNICATION : Speeches on different occasion e.g. Inauguration, welcome. Introduction, felicitation vote of thanks Group Communication (Inter action) Group discussions, committees, conferences. Symposium, Seminars, panel discussions teleconferencing.(Practices may be arranged for the students for the above topics)
INTRODUCTION: Scarcity, choice and. efficiency (with reference to PPC) – Basic tools of economic analysis: equations, functions, identities, slope, time – series, cross-section analysis, scatter diagrams, derivatives and limits.
DEMAND AND SUPPLY: Determination of equilibrium price in an open market system. Elasticity of demand – Price, Income. Cross. Promotional elasticity of demand- its measurement and its application in business decisions. Demand forecasting Survey and statistical methods.
PRODUCTION FUNCTION: Production function-Laws explaining production function in the short and the long run- Internal and external economies.
COST AND REVENUE ANALYSIS: Cost concepts behaviour of costs in the short-run and longrun. Revenue concepts-Break-even analysis
MARKET STRUCTURE: Features of perfect competitions and monopoly-concepts of price discrimination-equilibrium under dumping. Features of Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly- Price indeterminateness – Cartel formation. Different forms of price leadership.
PRICING PRACTICES: Marginal cost-pricing-Cost, plus pricing -Transfer pricing -Case studies of Pricing practices.
a) Introduction: Organizing Data, Frequency Distribution. Measures of Central Tendency. Organising data. Preparation of frequency distribution Graphical and diagrammatic representation-Histogram, Frequency Polygon and Ogives. Definition of Averages and objective of Averages Types of Averages. 100
Arithmetic mean, Geometric, Harmonic mean and its usages, mode and medium (using graph also) for both grouped as well ungrouped data.
b) Measures of Dispersions: Concept and idea of dispersion. Various measures Range, Quartile Deviation. Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and corresponding relative measures of Dispersion, Geographical representation and utility of various measures of Dispersions.
c) Co-variance, Co-relation arid Regression: Meaning, Definition and Implication of covariance. Concept of correlation. Rank Correlation. Regression concept. Relationship with Correlation, Assumptions in Simple Regression. Estimation using Simple Regression: Fitting of a straight line, Method of least squares, construction of characteristics line/estimation line (y = a+ bx), Slope of the regression line and its interpretation (theoretical and graphical).
d) Multiple Regression : Regression with two independent variables. Y =a+b1
, standard
error of the Estimate. Co-efficient of Multiple Correlation and Partial Correlation.
e) Probability: Probability Distribution and Decision Theory, Concept of Probability venn diagrams. Rules of Probability (addition and multiplication) Conditional and Unconditional Probability (dependent and independent events), Baye’s theorem. Discrete and Continuous Variable. Expected value of the variable. Decision theory, Normal distribution.
f) Mathematical Topics
a. Percentage Brokerage b. Linear equation Solutions (for 2 variables)
c. Graphs, d. Concept of slope, area under the curve optimization.
e. Extrapolation, Interpolation (Meaning & uses. Graphical & linear method. Interpolation in financial analysis)
Computer Hardware : Processor, memory, bus, Input-output devices, backing storage devices. Fetch / execute cycle, word length, bus line width. CISC & RISC’ machines. RAM, ROM and their sub-classifications.
Input Devices : Keyboard, mouse, trackball, Pen input, touch screen, game controllers, barcode readers, scanners & OCR, OMR, MICR, microphone and voice recognition devices, video input, digital cameras. POS terminals.
Output Devices : CRT Monitors, Flat panel LCD monitors. The video controller card. Size. resolution, refresh rate and dot pitch comparison of monitors. COM devices. LCD projectors, sound systems. Dot Matrix Printers, ink jet and bubble jet printers, laser printers.
Backing Types of Computers : Magnetic disks diskettes, removable high capacity disks, RAID. tape drives DAT drive. Optical disks: CD-ROM, Photo-CD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD. Different Types of Computers : Desktop PC’s, workstations, minicomputers/mid-range computers,
mainframe computers, servers, supercomputers, notebook computers, hand-held computers. Multimedia computers.
Computer Software : Systems software and application software. Operating systems; common functions. Windows 98. Windows NT. Windows 2000, Windows ME. Windows CE, Unix, Linux. Solaris. Mac OS. Enterprise operating systems like IBM OS/390 or OS/400. Consumer appliances OS. Application software. Propriety and off the shelf software. Comparison between them. Personal application software: word processing, spread sheet, presentation software, financial management software. Workgroup application software; lotus notes. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, supply chain management (SCM) software, customer relationship management (CRM) software. Knowledge
Management (KM) Software.
Programming Languages : Machine language. Assembly language. Traditional 3rd generation languages: their characteristics and evolution. Object oriented languages Visual languages. Al languages. Assemblers, Compilers and Interpreters. 101
Database Management Systems : The file based approach and the database approach to data management. Differences between them. The advantages of the database approach. Data entities, attributes and relationships.
Data dictionary and the DBMS. Database model: hierarchic. network and relational DBMS. Tables and relationships between tables. Data records and fields: primary key, composite key, candidate key, candidate key and foreign key: Facilities available in a DBMS ODBC and OLEDB connectivity. Object relational and object oriented databases
Networks : Their uses. LAN. MAN. WAN. Peer to peer. client server, 3-tier n-tier networks. Network topologies. Network media; UTP. STP, coaxial, fiber optic, microwave, satellite and VSAT networks. Hubs, switches, routers, gateway and earth station equipment. Ethernet LAN’s. Fast
Ethernet. Network software. Network OS, NetWare, Windows 2000 server. Cellular transmission.
Data Communication : Over telephone lines, modems, fax modems, multiplexers, front end processors. ISDN. T1; T3 and ATM’ digital communication. DSL technologies. Digital communicationover a cable network.
The Internet : What is it ? What are its uses? TCP/IP. Internet addressing scheme. Domains and sub domains, URL. lpv6,DNS, E-mail, voice over IP. telnet. IRC. newsgroups. Intranets and Extranets.
Introduction to Information Systems : Data and information.. Characteristics and value of information. System and modeling concepts. What is an information system? Business information systems. Transaction processing and workflow systems. Management information systems; decision support systems, artificial Intelligence systems and virtual reality systems.
Electronic Commerce : Multi-stage module; Challenges of E-commerce. supply chain in an ecommerce system. B2B and B2C E-commerce. E-commerce applications in retail, wholesale, Manufacturing marketing, investments and finance. E-commerce technology infrastructure.
Electronic payment systems. Threats to E-commerce. Strategies for successful E-commerce.
Security Privacy and Ethical Issues : in Information Systems and the Internet. Computer related
mistakes Computer crime and viruses. Anti-virus software and Firewalls Legal framework for avoiding
computer crime. Privacy issues. Health concerns. Ethical issues.
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FYBBI Syllabus

FYBBI Syllabus
(Semester 2)
Following are the list of FYBBI Subjects (Semester 2):
1) Principles and Practices of Banking & Insurance
2) Business Law
3) Financial Accounting -II
4) Effective Communication-II 03
5) Organisational Behaviour
6) Quantitative Methods-II
7) Foundation Course – II
FYBBI Sem 2 Principles and Practices of Banking & Insurance Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Introduction to Banking
Basic Concepts: Origin, Need, Types, Scope and Functions of Banking – Need for Regulation and Supervision
Chapter – 2 Banking Scenario in India
Banking Operations -Types of accounts – Banking Services – Current Scenario, Financial Inclusion and Banking Regulations & Role of RBI
Chapter – 3 Introduction to Insurance
Understanding Risk – Kinds of business risks – Need and Scope of insurance – Evolution of. insurance – Principles of insurance – Types of insurance and policies – Risk and Return relationship
Chapter – 4 Insurance Business Environment in India
Growth of Insurance Business – Actuarial Role – Claim and Settlement Procedures – Insurance Regulations Role of IRDA.
FYBBI Sem 2 Business Law Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Introduction to Law
Meaning, Definitions, Features, Types, Sources and Classification
Chapter – 2 Indian Constitution
Natural Justice, Special Leave Appeal, Features, Writs, Fundamental Rights
Chapter – 3 Contract Act
Meaning, Essentials, Agreement, Offer, Acceptance, Consent, Free Consent, Consideration, Capacity of contract, Kinds and Classification of Contract, Performance, Discharge and Termination of Contract, Void – Quasi- Contingent – Wager – Minor Contracts, Breach and Remedies For the Contract
Chapter – 4 Special Contract
- Indemnity & Guarantee – Meaning, Features, distinguish, position, Surety, discharge of surety
- Bailment : Meaning, Types, Features, Position, Lien, Finder of Goods Pledge
- Agency: Meaning, Features, types, Position, Ratification, Modes of Creation and Termination, Liabilities.
- Sale of Goods Act: Introduction, Meaning, Features, Terms, Goods Classification, Sale and Agreement to sell, Unpaid Seller and position Conditions and Warranty
Chapter – 5 Negotiable Instrument Act
Features, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Cheque, Features, Distinguish, Acceptance, Crossing, Dishonor, Position Of Banker, Holder and Holder In Due Course, Privilages, Payment In and Out of Due Course, Types of Instruments, Penalties For Dishonour, Endorsement
Chapter – 6 Information Technology Act
Objectives, Scheme, Digital Signature, Authorization, E- Governance, Certifying Authorities, Digital Certificates, Cyber
FYBBI Sem 2 Financial Accounting – II Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Valuation of Goodwill and Shares
Valuation of Goodwill
Maintainable Profit method, Super Profit Method Capitalization method, Annuity Method
Valuation of Shares
Intrinsic Value Method, Yield method and Fair Value Method
Chapter – 2 Buyback of equity shares
Company Law/ Legal Provisions (including related restrictions, power, transfer to capital redemption reserve account and prohibitions) Compliance of conditions including sources, maximum limits and debt equity ratio
Chapter – 3 Redemption of preference shares
Company Law / Legal Provisions for redemption of preference shares in Companies Act Sources of redemption including divisible profits and proceeds of fresh issue of shares Premium on redemption from security premium and profits of company Capital Redemption Reserve Account – creation and use
Chapter – 4 Redemption of debentures (excluding buy back of own debentures)
Redemption of debentures by payment from sources including out of capital and / or out of profits. Debenture redemption reserve and debenture redemption sinking fund excluding insurance policy. Redemption of debentures by conversion into new class of shares or debentures with options- including at par, premium and discount
FYBBI SEM 2 Effective Communication – II Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Presentation Skills
Presentations: (to be tested in tutorials only) 4 Principles of Effective Presentation
Effective use of OHP
Effective use of Transparencies
How to make a Power-Point Presentation
Chapter – 2 Group Communication
Interviews: Group Discussion Preparing for an Interview, Types of Interviews – Selection, Appraisal, Grievance, Exit
Meetings: Need and Importance of Meetings, Conduct of Meeting and Group Dynamics Role of the Chairperson, Role of the Participants, Drafting of Notice, Agenda and Resolutions
Conference: Meaning and Importance of Conference Organizing a Conference
Modern Methods: Video and Tele – Conferencing
Public Relations: Meaning, Functions of PR Department, External and Internal Measures of PR
Chapter – 3 Business Correspondence
Trade Letters: Order, Credit and Status Enquiry, Collection (just a brief introduction to be given)
Only following to be taught in detail:- Letters of Inquiry, Letters of Complaints, Claims, Adjustments Sales Letters, promotional leaflets and fliers Consumer Grievance Letters, Letters under Right to
Information (RTI) Act
[Teachers must provide the students with theoretical constructs wherever necessary in order to create awareness. However students should not be tested on the theory.]
Chapter – 4 Language and Writing Skills
Reports: Parts, Types, Feasibility Reports, Investigative Reports
Summarisation: Identification of main and supporting/sub points Presenting these in a cohesive manner
FYBBI SEM 2 Oraganizational Behaviour Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Introduction of organizational Behavior
Meaning, Nature and scope of OB, Models of OB,
Theories of Motivation :
Maslow, Herzberg, Mc.Gregor Theory X and Theory Y, William Ouchi’s Theory Z, Victor Vroom . ERG theory
Application of the Theories
Motivational techniques in Banking and Insurance Industry
Chapter – 2 Group Dynamics
Individual Behavior ( IQ, EQ, SQ)
Group Formation, Team Building, Team Development
Goal Setting
Soft Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Multicultural Skills, Cross Cultural Skills.
Johari Window
Chapter – 3 Organizational Culture and Change Management
Work Culture, Ways for Making Work Culture Effective and Lively, Work Conflicts.
Organizational Change, effects of Resistance to Change, ways to overcome resistance to change
Chapter – 4 Organizational Development.
Meaning and Nature of OD.
Techniques of OD
Importance of OD.
FYBBI SEM 2 Quantitative Methods – II Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Testing of Hypothesis
Testing of hypotheses: Null Hypothesis, Alternative Hypothesis, Decision Criterion, Critical Region, Type I and Type II Error, level of significance, Test based on large Sample for Means and Proportion/s
Chapter – 2 Linear Programming Techniques
Meaning, Advantages, limitations, business applications, basic terminology, formulation of linear Programming ProbIems, Graphical Method of solving Linear Programming Problems, Simplex method (upto 3 variables) with Maximisation and Minimisation. Duality in Linear Programming (concept only)
Chapter – 3 Matrices & Determinants (Application in Business and Economics)
Matrices, Types of Matrices, Transpose, Addition, MultIplication, Subtraction of a Matrix, Determinants, Type of Determinants, inverse of a matrix by Pivotal Reduction Method, Adjoint Method and Row / Column Transformation. Application of Matrices and Determinants to Business and Economics. (Please concentrate on application of Matrices and Determinants to Business & Economics)
Chapter – 4 Ratio, Proportion & Percentage
Ratio Definition, Continued Ratio, Inverse Ratio, Proportion, Continued Proportion, Direct Proportion, Inverse proportion, Variation, Inverse Variation, Joint Variation, Percentage: Meaning & Computation of Percentage
Chapter – 5 Statistical Applications In Investment Management
Expected return from shares (using probability) Measuring total risk from investigator shares (using standard deviations) Partitioning risk into systematic and unsystematic component (using co-variance) Measuring risks of portfolio (using co-relation) to draw conclusions regarding share prices (using testing of hypothesis).
Chapter – 6 Economic indicators
GDP, Real growth in GDP price level Inflation rate, Money supply, Index for agricultural production Index for industrial production, Electrical
FYBBI SEM 2 Quantitative Methods – II Syllabus
Chapter – 1 Globalisation and Indian Society
Understanding the concepts of liberalization, privatization and globalization; Growth of information technology and communication and its impact manifested in everyday life; Impact of globalization on industry: changes in employment and increasing migration; Changes in agrarian sector due to globalization; rise in corporate farming and increase in farmers’ suicides.
Chapter – 2 Human Rights
Concept of Human Rights; origin and evolution of the concept; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Human Rights constituents with special reference to Fundamental Rights stated in the Constitution
Chapter – 3 Ecology
Importance of Environment Studies in the current developmental context; Understanding concepts of Environment, Ecology and their interconnectedness; Environment as natural capital and connection to quality of human life; Environmental Degradation- causes and impact on human life; Sustainable development- concept and components; poverty and environment
Chapter – 4 Understanding Stress and Conflict
Causes of stress and conflict in individuals and society; Agents of socialization and the role played by them in developing the individual; Significance of values, ethics and prejudices in developing the individual; Stereotyping and prejudice as significant factors in causing conflicts in society. Aggression and violence as the public expression of conflict
Chapter – 5 Managing Stress and Conflict in Contemporary Society
Types of conflicts and use of coping mechanisms for managing individual stress; Maslow’s theory of self-actualisation; Different methods of responding to conflicts in society; Conflict-resolution and efforts towards building peace and harmony in society.
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