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FYBCOM Sem 2 Commerce Chapter 1 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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FYBCOM Sem 2 Commerce Chapter 1 Notes(Concept of Services – I) Q.1) Select the most appropriate word from the options given and rewrite the statements: a) Currently in India, the services sector contributes about ___________percent of the employment in India.i) 30%ii) 25%iii) 15% b) Services are generally ____________.i) tangibleii) intangibleiii) demonstrable c) The production and… Read More »FYBCOM Sem 2 Commerce Chapter 1 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

FYBCOM Sem 2 Commerce Chapter 1 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes (Personnel Correspondence) Q.1A) Read the following statements and identify the letter it belongs to:Job Application letter, appointment letter, letter of acceptance, confirmation letter, termination letter, resignation letter, letter of appreciation. 1) I have been fortunate enough to make a number of presentations during my college days.Answer: Job… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes (Theory of Business Letter Writing) Q1) Choose the correct answer : 1) Use of ___________ attitude in business correspondence enables visualizing the reaction of the reader.a) Ib) Youc) We 2) A ____________ is a plan which shows the positions of different parts of the letter.a) Outline b)… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 6 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 6 Notes (Listening Skills) Q1 A) Choose the correct answer:1) Listening is said to be _____________.a) a positive actb) a passive skillc) a difficult skilld) an unnecessary skill 2) ______________ can be solved when individuals or groups listen to each other.a) word gamesb) puzzlesc) tricksd) problems 3) Management is… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 6 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 6 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 4 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 4 Notes (Introduction To Business Ethics) Q1 A) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option: 1) The two ways that companies can approach and implement concept of business ethics are _______________ focused and stakeholder-focused.a) companyb) shareholderc) individual 2) ______________ media blurs private/public boundaries.a) Socialb) Journalisticc) Entertainment 3) _________… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 4 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

Fybcom Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 4 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 3 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 3 Notes (Communication at Workplace) Q1) Choose the correct answers: 1) Forms of communication in which words are used to are convey messages referred to as _____________ .a) Visual b) Verbalc) Non-verbal 2) When a message is expressed using gestures or signs, it is _____________ Communication.a) Oralb) Verbalc) Non-verbal… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 3 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 3 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 2 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 2 Notes(Impact of Technology Enabled Communication) Q1) Choose the correct answers: 1) Blog is a shortened form of the words __________________ .a) Blogspot b) Interblog c) Weblog d) Socioblog 2) A ________________ owns, runs or maintains a blog.a) Blogtrainer b) Blogger c) Webber d) Portal 3) ____________ is the… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 2 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 2 Notes

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 1 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 1 Notes(Concept of Communication) Q.1) Choose the correct answers : 1) The Latin word ‘Communicare’ means _______.a) to take b) to export c) to import d) to impart 2) Signs and ______Were used when language did not exist. a) telephones b) telegrams c) symbols d) letters 3) Message arises… Read More »FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 1 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 1 Notes

FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes (Extension of Cost Analysis) Q.1) Select the correct answer from the alternatives given and rewrite the sentences: 1) At the break-even point, the price is equal to _______ cost.a) Total b) Marginal c) Average d) Variable 2) At the shutdown point, price is equal to average _______ cost.a)… Read More »FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 8 Notes

FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

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FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes (Cost Concepts) Q.1 Explain the following concepts- a) Implicit cost and Explicit cost Answer: Implicit cost refers to the cost of all own factors which the entrepreneur employs in the business. It includes salary and wages for the service of entrepreneur, interest on capital invested by the entrepreneur… Read More »FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes | FYBAF | FYBMS | Mumbai University

FYBCOM Economics Sem 1 Chapter 7 Notes