The University of Mumbai launched the Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) programme in 1999. The curriculum has a three-year duration and six 75:25 semesters.
It consists of 40 courses, including a research dissertation that the student must complete during the program’s final year.
The BMS curriculum is up-to-date, and its emphasis on practical management features together with theory is highly-liked as an undergraduate management school that students look forward to as a precursor for MBAs as well as entrepreneurial training.
Table of Contents
ToggleTYBMS Syllabus Semester 5
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
a) Introduction to Logistics Management:
i) Meaning, Basic Concepts of Logistics – Logistical Performance Cycle, Inbound Logistics, Inprocess Logistics, Outbound Logistics, Logistical Competency, Integrated Logistics, Reverse Logistics and Green Logistics
ii) Objectives of Logistics, Importance of Logistics, Scope of Logistics, Logistical Functions / Logistic Mix, Changing Logistics Environment
b) Introduction to Supply Chain Management: Meaning, Objectives, Functions, Participants of Supply Chain, Role of Logistics in Supply Chain, Comparison Between Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Channel Management and Channel Integration
c) Customer Service: Key Element of Logistics: Meaning of Customer Service, Objectives, Elements, Levels of Customer Service, Rights of Customers
d) Demand Forecasting: Meaning, Objectives, Approaches to Forecasting, Forecasting Methods, Forecasting Techniques, (Numerical on Simple Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average)
a) Transportation: Introduction, Principles and Participants in Transportation, Transport Functionality, Factors Influencing Transportation Decisions, Modes of Transportation – Railways, Roadways, Airways, Waterways, Ropeways, Pipeline, Transportation Infrastructure, Intermodal Transportation
b) Warehousing: Introduction, Warehouse Functionality, Benefits of Warehousing, Warehouse Operating Principles, Types of Warehouses, Warehousing Strategies, and Factors Affecting Warehousing
c) Materials Handling: Meaning, Objectives, Principles of Materials Handling, Systems of Materials Handling, Equipments Used for Materials Handling, Factors Affecting Materials Handling Equipments
d) Packaging: Introduction, Objectives of Packaging, Functions / Benefits of Packaging, Design Considerations in Packaging, Types of Packaging Material, Packaging Costs
a) Inventory Management: Meaning, Objectives, Functions, Importance, Techniques of Inventory Management (Numericals – EOQ and Reorder levels)
b) Logistics Costing : Meaning, Total Cost Approach, Activity Based Costing, Mission Based Costing
c) Performance Measurement in Supply Chain: Meaning, Objectives of Performance Measurement, Types of Performance Measurement, Dimensions of Performance Measurement, Characteristics of Ideal Measurement System
d) Logistical Network Analysis: Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Scope, RORO / LASH
a) Information Technology in Logistics: Introduction, Objectives, Role of Information Technology in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Logistical Information System, Principles of Logistical Information System, Types of Logistical Information System, Logistical Information Functionality, Information Technology Infrastructure
b) Modern Logistics Infrastructure: Golden Quadrilateral, Logistics Parks, Deep Water Ports, Dedicated Freight Corridor, Inland Container Depots / Container Freight Stations, Maritime Logistics, Double Stack Containers / Unit Trains
c) Logistics Outsourcing: Meaning, Objectives, Benefits / Advantages of Outsourcing, Third Party Logistics Provider, Fourth Party Logistics Provider, Drawbacks of Outsourcing, Selection of Logistics Service Provider, Outsourcing – Value Proposition
d) Logistics in the Global Environment: Managing the Global Supply Chain, Impact of Globalization on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Global Logistics Trends, Global Issues and Challenges in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Corporate Communication and Public Relations
a) Corporate Communication : Scope and Relevance
Introduction, Meaning, Scope, Corporate Communication in India, Need/Relevance of Corporate Communication in Contemporary Scenario
b) Keys Concept in Corporate Communication
Corporate Identity : Meaning and Features,
Corporate Image : Meaning, Factors Influencing Corporate Image
Corporate Reputation : Meaning, Advantages of Good Corporate Reputation
c) Ethics and Law in Corporate Communication
Importance of Ethics in Corporate Communication, Corporate Communication and Professional Code of Ethics, Mass Media Laws : Defamation, Invasion of Privacy, Copyright Act, Digital Piracy, RTI
a) Fundamental of Public Relations
Introduction, Meaning, Essentials of Public Relations, Objectives of Public Relations, Scope of Public Relations, Significance of Public Relations in Business
b) Emergence of Public Relations
Tracing Growth of Public Relations, Public Relations in India, Reasons for Emerging International Public Relations
c) Public Relations Environment
Introduction, Social and Cultural Issues, Economic Issues, Political Issues, Legal Issues
d) Theories used in Public Relations
Systems Theory, Situational Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Diffusion Theory
a) Media Relations
Introduction, Importance of Media Relations, Sources of Media Information, Building Effective Media Relations, Principles of Good Media Relations
b) Employee Communication
Introduction, Sources of Employee Communications, Organizing Employee Communications, Benefits of Good Employee Communications, Steps in Implementing An Effective Employee Communications Programme, Role of Management in Employee Communications
c) Crisis Communication
Introduction, Impact of Crisis, Role of Communication in Crisis, Guidelines for Handling Crisis, Trust Building
d) Financial Communication
Introduction, Tracing the Growth of Financial Communication in India, Audiences for Financial Communication, Financial Advertising
a) Contribution of Technology to Corporate Communication
Introduction, Today’s Communication Technology, Importance of Technology to Corporate Communication, Functions of Communication Technology in Corporate Communication, Types of Communication Technology, New Media: Web Conferencing, Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
b) Information Technology in Corporate Communication
Introduction, E-media Relations, E-internal Communication,
E-brand Identity and Company Reputation
c) Corporate Blogging
Introduction, Defining Corporate Blogging, Characteristics of a Blog, Types of Corporate Blogs, Role of Corporate Blogs, Making a Business Blog
Direct Tax
Basic Terms (S: 2, 3, 4)
Assessee, Assessment, Assessment Year, Annual Value, Business,
Capital Assets, Income, Previous Year, Person, Transfer
Determination of Residential Status of Individual,
Scope of Total Income (S : 5)
Salary (S. 15 – 17)
Income from House Property (S. 22 – 27)
Profit & Gain From Business and Profession
(S : 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 35D, 36, 37, 40, 40A and 43B)
Capital Gain (S : 45, 48, 49, 50 and 54)
Income from Other Sources (S. 56 – 59)
Exclusions From Total Income (S. 10)
(Exclusion related to specified heads to be covered with relevant heads of income)
S. 80C, 80CCC, 80D, 80DD, 80E, 80U, 80TTA
Computation of Total Income and Taxable Income of Individuals
Note : The Syllabus is restricted to study of particular sections, specifically mentioned rules and notifications only.
1. All modules / units include Computational Problems / Case Study.
2. The Law in force on 1st April immediately preceding the commencement of Academic Year will be applicable for ensuing examinations.
(For SYBBI Semester III – Module 4: Deductions Under Chapter VI A is not there.)
Financial Accounting
Relevant Provisions of Companies Act related to Preparation of Final Account (excluding Cash Flow Statement)
Preparation of Financial Statements as per Companies Act (excluding Cash Flow Statement)
AS 1 in relation to Final Accounts of Companies (Disclosure of Accounting Policies)
Introduction, Underwriting, Underwriting Commission
Provision of Companies Act with respect to Payment of underwriting commission
Underwriters, Sub-Underwriters, Brokers and Manager to issues
Types of underwriting, Abatement Clause
Marked, Unmarked and Firm-underwriting applications
Liability of the underwriters in respect of underwriting contract
Practical Problems
In relation to purchase and sale of goods, services and assets, loan and credit transactions
Computation and treatment of exchange rate differences
For Shares (Variable Income Bearing Securities)
For Debentures / Preference Shares (Fixed Income Bearing Securities)
Accounting for Transactions of Purchase and Sale of Investments with Ex and Cum Interest Prices and Finding Cost of Investment Sold and Carrying Cost as per Weighted Average Method (Excluding Brokerage)
Columnar Format for Investment Account
Introduction, Meaning of Ethical Behaviour
Financial Reports – Link Between Law, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
Need of Ethical Behaviour in Accounting Profession
Implications of Ethical Values for the Principles versus Rule based Approaches to Accounting Standards
The Principal based Approach and Ethics
The Accounting Standard Setting Process and Ethics
The IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Cotents of Research Report in Ethical Practices
Implications of Unethical Behaviour for Financial Reports
Company Codes of Ethics
The Increasing Role of Whistle – Blowing
Commodity and Derivatives Market
a) Introduction to Commodities Market: Meaning, History and Origin, Types of Commodities Traded, Structure of Commodities Market in India, Participants in Commodities Market, Trading in Commodities in India (Cash and Derivative Segment), Commodity Exchanges in India and Abroad, Reasons for Investing in Commodities
b) Introduction to Derivatives Market: Meaning, History and Origin, Elements of a Derivative Contract, Factors Driving Growth of Derivatives Market, Types of Derivatives, Types of Underlying Assets, Participants in Derivatives Market, Advantages and Disadvantages of Trading in Derivatives Market, Current Volumes of Derivative Trade in India, Difference Between Forwards and Futures
a) Futures: Futures Contract Specification, Terminologies, Concept of Convergence, Relationship Between Futures Price and Expected Spot Price, Basis and Basis Risk, Pricing of Futures Contract, Cost of Carry Model
b) Hedging: Speculation and Arbitrage using Futures, Long Hedge – Short Hedge, Cash and Carry Arbitrage, Reverse Cash and Carry Arbitrage, Payoff Charts and Diagrams for Futures Contract, Perfect and Imperfect Hedge
a) Options: Options Contract Specifications, Terminologies, Call Option, Put Option, Difference Between Futures and Options, Trading of Options, Valuation of Options Contract, Factors affecting Option Premium, Payoff Charts and Diagrams for Options Contract, Basic Understanding of Options Strategies
b) Option Pricing Models: Binomial Option Pricing Model, Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model
a) Trading, Clearing and Settlement in Derivatives Market: Meaning and Concept, SEBI Guidelines, Trading Mechanism – Types of Orders, Clearing Mechanism – NSCCL – Its Objectives and Functions, Settlement Mechanism – Types of Settlement
b) Types of Risk: Value at Risk, Methods of calculating VaR, Risk Management Measures, Types of Margins, SPAN Margin
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
a) Introduction to Investment Environment: Introduction, Investment Process, Criteria for Investment, Types of Investors, Investment V/s Speculation V/s Gambling, Investment Avenues, Factors Influencing Selection of Investment Alternatives
b) Capital Market in India: Introduction, Concepts of Investment Banks, its Role and Functions, Stock Market Index, The NASDAQ, SDL, NSDL, Benefits of Depository Settlement, Online Share Trading and Its Advantages, Concepts of Small Cap, Large Cap, Midcap and Penny Stocks
Meaning, Types of Risk – Systematic and Unsystematic Risk, Measurement of Beta, Standard Deviation, Variance, Reduction of Risk through Diversification. Practical Problems on Calculation of Standard Deviation, Variance and Beta
a) Portfolio Management: Meaning and Concept, Portfolio Management Process, Objectives, Basic Principles, Factors Affecting Investment Decisions in Portfolio Management, Portfolio Strategy Mix
b) Security Analysis: Fundamental Analysis, Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis, Company Analysis, Technical Analysis – Basic Principles of Technical Analysis, Uses of Charts : Line Chart, Bar Chart, Candlestick Chart, Mathematical Indicators : Moving Averages, Oscillators
a) Theories: Dow Jones Theory, Elloit Wave Theory, Efficient Market Theory
b) Capital Asset Pricing Model: Assumptions of CAPM, CAPM Equation, Capital Market Line, Security Market Line
c) Portfolio Performance Measurement: Meaning of Portfolio Evaluation, Sharpe’s Ratio (Basic Problems), Treynor’s Ratio (Basic Problems), Jensen’s Differential Returns (Basic Problems)
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TYBMS Syllabus
Semester 6 (Chapters)
Operation Research
a) Introduction To Operations Research
Operations Research – Definition, Characteristics of OR, Models, OR Techniques, Areas of Application, Limitations of OR
b) Linear Programming Problems: Introduction and Formulation
i) Introduction to Linear Programming
ii) Applications of LP
iii) Components of LP
iv) Requirements for Formulation of LP Problem
v) Assumptions Underlying Linear Programming
vi) Steps in Solving LP Problems
vii) LPP Formulation (Decision Variables, Objective Function, Constraints, Non Negativity Constraints)
c) Linear Programming Problems : Graphical Method
i) Maximization & Minimization Type Problems (Max. Z & Min. Z)
ii) Two Decision Variables and Maximum Three Constraints Problem
iii) Constraints can be “less than or equal to”, “greater than or equal to” or a combination of both the types i.e. Mixed Constraints
iv) Concepts : Feasible Region of Solution, Unbounded Solution, Redundant Constraint, Infeasible Solution, Alternative Optima
d) Linear Programming Problems : Simplex Method
i) Only Maximization Type Problems (Only Max. Z). No Minimization Problems (No Min. Z) Numericals on Degeneracy in Maximization Simplex Problems
ii) Two or Three Decision Variables and Maximum Three Constraints Problem (Up to Maximum Two Iterations)
iii) All Constraints to be “less than or equal to” Constraints (“Greater than or Equal to” Constraints not included)
iv) Concepts: Slack Variables, Surplus Variables, Artificial Variables, Duality, Product Mix and Profit, Feasible and Infeasible Solution, Unique or Alternate Optimal Solution, Degeneracy, Non-Degenerate, Shadow Prices of Resources, Scarce and Abundant Resources, Utilized and Unutilized Capacity of Resources, Percentage Utilization of Resources, Decision for Introduction of a New Product.
Note: Surplus Variable, Artificial Variable and Duality to be covered only at Conceptual level for Theory Questions only and not included in Numerical.
Sensitivity Analysis including Profit Range and Capacity Range is not included.
A) Assignment Problem – Hungarian Method
i) Maximization & Minimization Type Problems
ii) Balanced and Unbalanced Problems
iii) Prohibited Assignment Problems, Unique or Multiple Optimal Solutions
iv) Simple Formulation of Assignment Problems
v) Maximum 5 x 5 Matrix. Up to Maximum Two Iterations after Row and Column Minimization
Note : Travelling Salesman Assignment Problem is not included.
B) Transportation Problems
i) Maximization & Minimization Type Problems
l Balanced and Unbalanced problems
ii) Prohibited Transportation Problems, Unique or Multiple Optimal Solutions
iii) Simple Formulation of Transportation Problems
iv) Initial Feasible Solution (IFS) by:
a) North West Corner Rule (NWCR)
b) Least Cost Method (LCM)
c) Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)
Maximum 5 x 5 Transportation Matrix
v) Finding Optimal Solution by Modified Distribution (MODI) Method. (u, v and D)
vi) Maximum Two Iterations (i.e. Maximum Two Loops) after IFS.
Note : Production Scheduling Problem is not included.
Time Minimization Problem is not included.
Degeneracy Concept to be covered only at Conceptual Level. Not to be included in Numerical.
a) Critical Path Method (CPM)
i) Concepts : Activity, Event, Network Diagram, Merge Event, Burst Event, Concurrent and Burst Activity
ii) Construction of a Network Diagram. Node Relationship and Precedence Relationship
iii) Principles of Constructing Network Diagram
iv) Use of Dummy Activity
v) Numerical Consisting of Maximum Ten (10) Activities
vi) Critical Path, Sub-critical Path, Critical and Non-critical Activities, Project Completion Time
vii) Forward Pass and Backward Pass Methods
viii) Calculation of EST, EFT, LST, LFT, Head Event Slack, Tail Event Slack, Total Float, Free Float, Independent Float and Interfering Float
b) Project Crashing
i) Meaning of Project Crashing
ii) Concepts : Normal Time, Normal Cost, Crash Time, Crash Cost of Activities. Cost Slope of an Activity
iii) Costs involved in Project Crashing : Numericals with Direct, Indirect, Penalty, Crash Cost and Total Costs
vi) Time-Cost Trade off in Project Crashing
v) Optimal (Minimum) Project Cost and Optimal Project Completion Time
vi) Process of Project Crashing
vii) Numerical Consisting of Maximum Ten (10) Activities
viii) Numerical based on Maximum Four (04) Iterations of Crashing
(c) Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
i) Three Time Estimates of PERT : Optimistic Time (a), Most Likely Time (m) and Pessimistic Time (b).
ii) Expected Time (te) of an Activity Using Three Time Estimates
iii) Difference between CPM and PERT
vi) Numerical Consisting of Maximum Ten (10) Activities
v) Construction of PERT Network using te values of all Activities
vi) Mean (Expected) Project Completion Time
vii) Standard Deviation and Variance of Activities
viii) Project Variance and Project Standard Deviation
ix) ‘Prob. Z’ Formula
x) Standard Normal Probability Table. Calculation of Probability from the Probability Table using ‘Z’ Value and Simple Questions related to PERT Technique
xi) Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Scope, RORO/LASH
A) Job Sequencing Problem
a) Processing Maximum 9 Jobs through Two Machines only
b) Processing Maximum 6 Jobs through Three Machines only
c) Calculations of Idle Time, Elapsed Time etc.
B) Theory of Games
a) Introduction
b) Terminology of Game Theory: Players, Strategies, Play, Payoff, Payoff matrix, Maximin, Maximax, Saddle Point
c) Types of Games
d) Numerical based on:
i) Two Person Zero Sum Games including strictly determinable and Fair Game
ii) Pure Strategy Games (Saddle Point available). Principles of Dominance Method
Indirect Taxes
a) Basics for Taxation: Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes – Difference, Advantages and Disadvantages, Sources and Authority of Taxes in India (Art. 246 of the Indian Constitution)
b) Introduction to GST: Genesis of GST in India, Power to Tax GST (Constitutional Provisions), Extent and Commencement, Meaning and Definition of GST, Benefits of GST, Conceptual Framework – CGST, IGST, SGST, UTGST, Imports of Goods or Services or Both, Export of Goods or Services or Both, Taxes Subsumed and not Subsumed under GST
c) Definitions: Goods [2(52) of CGST Act], Services [2(102) of CGST Act], Money [2(75) of CGST Act], Securities [2(101) of SCRA Act, 1956], India [2(56) of CGST Act], Persons [2(84) of CGST Act], Taxable Person [2(107) of CGST Act], Business [2(17) of CGST Act], Consideration [2(31) of CGST Act], E-Commerce Operator [2(45) of CGST Act], Supplier [2(105) of CGST Act], Recipient [2(93) of CGST Act]
d) Levy and Collection of GST: Levy and Collection of CGST, IGST, SGST, UTGST (Sec. 9 of CGST Act), Composition Scheme under GST (Sec. 10 of CGST Act), Power to Grant Exemption (Sec. 11 of CGST Act) GST Rate Schedule for Goods and Services
a) Taxable Event Supply: Meaning and Scope of Supply (Section 7 Subsection 1, 2 and 3 of Act) Schedule I, Schedule II, Schedule III, Composite and Mixed Supplies (Sec. 8 of CGST Act)
b) Place of Supply: Location of Supplier of Goods and Services, Place of Supply of Goods (Sec. 10, 11,12 and 13 of IGST Act), Special Provision for Payment of Tax by a Supplier of Online Information Database Access Retrieval
c) Time of Supply: Time of Supply (Sec. 31 of CGST Act), Issue of Invoice by the Supplier [Sec. 31(1) and Sec. 31(2) of CGST Act], Continuous Supply of Goods and Services, Goods Sent on Approval [Sec. 31(7) of CGST Act]
d) Value of Supply: Determination of Value of Supply (Sec. 15 of CGST Act and CGST Rules 2017), Input Tax Credit [Sec. 2(62) of CGST Act], Capital Goods [Sec. 2(19) of CGST Act], Input [Sec. 2(59) of CGST Act], Input Service [Sec. 2(60) of CGST Act], Eligibility and Conditions for taking Input Tax Credit (Sec. 16 of CGST Act)
a) Registration: Persons liable for Registration (Sec. 22 of the Act), Persons not Liable for Registration, Procedure for Registration (Sec. 25 of the Act), Deemed Registration (Sec. 26 of the Act), Special Provisions (Sec. 27 of the Act), Amendment, Cancellation and Revocation of Registration (Sec. 28, Sec. 29 and Sec. 31 of the Act)
b) Computation of GST: Computation of GST under Inter-State and Intra-State Supplies
c) Payment of Tax : Payment of Tax, Interest and Other Amounts (Sec. 49 of the Act), Interest on Delayed Payment (Sec. 50 of the Act), TDS (Sec. 51 of the Act), TCS (Sec. 52 of the Act)
a) Documentation: Tax Invoices (Sec. 31 and 32 of the Act), Credit and Debit Notes (Sec. 34 of the Act), Electronic Way Bill
b) Returns: Types of Returns and Provisions Relating to Filing of Returns (Sec. 37 to Sec. 48 of the Act)
Strategic Financial Management
a) Dividend Decision: Meaning and Forms of Dividend, Dividend – Modigliani and Miller’s Approach, Walter Model, Gordon Model, Factors Determining Dividend Policy, Types of Dividend Policy
b) XBRL: Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages, Features and Users
a) Capital Budgeting: Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Budgeting, Risk Adjusted Cut-off Rate, Certainty Equivalent Method, Sensitivity Technique, Probability Technique, Standard Deviation Method, Co-efficient of Variation Method, Decision Tree Analysis, Construction of Decision Tree
b) Capital Rationing: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages, Practical Problems
a) Shareholder Value and Corporate Governance: Financial Goals and Strategy, Shareholder Value Creation : EVA and MVA Approach, Theories of Corporate Governance, Practices of Corporate Governance in India
b) Corporate Restructuring: Meaning, Types, Limitations of Merger, Amalgamation, Acquisition, Takeover, Determination of Firm’s Value, Effect of Merger on EPS and MPS, Pre-Merger and Post-Merger Impact
a) Financial Management in Banking Sector: An Introduction, Classification of Investments, NPA and Their Provisioning, Classes of Advances, Capital Adequacy Norms, Rebate on Bill Discounting, Treatment of Interest on Advances
b) Working Capital Financing: Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (Tandon Committee), Cost of Issuing Commercial Paper and Trade Credit, Matching Approach, Aggressive Approach, Conservative Approach
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