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TYBAF Sem 6 Indirect Tax Question Paper
TYBAF Sem 6 Indirect Tax Question Paper

TYBAF Sem 6 Indirect Tax Question Paper

April 2019

[Duration: 2½ Hours] [Total Marks: 75]

Note: All questions are compulsory.

Q.1 A) Match the column (Any Eight) (8 Marks)

Sr.No.Column A Sr.No.Column B
1Electronic Liability LedgerAInput tax credit
2RefundBExport by vessel or aircraft
3Electronic Credit LedgerCAll liabilities.
4Imported GoodsDUnder Section 2 (13) Custom Act
5Shipping billEAll payments
6Electronic cash LedgerFTaxable Purchase or Sales
7TDSGUnder Section 2 (19) Custom Act
8TCSHUnder Section 2 (25) Custom Act
9Exported Goods IUnder Section 54 CGST Act
10Custom Station JUnder Section 51 CGST Act
KUnder Section 52 CGST Act _

Q.1 B) State whether True or False (Any Seven). (7 Marks)

  1. Imports of light fitting by passenger including short visit abroad qualify as bonafide baggage.
  2. Infant means a child not more than four years of age.
  3. Baggage includes motor vehicles.
  4. Landing charges are to be added to CIF value.
  5. GST means Good night Sweet dream Take care.
  6. A Dealer is liable for registration under GST Act, only if his Supply exceeds Rs, 20,00,000.
  7. Maximum Rate of Interest is 8% U/S 50(1).
  8. All services are Supply.
  9. Temporary detention of Baggage if it includes import of prohibited items.
  10. FOB means free on board.

Q.2 A) The details of purchase and Sales of Mr. Ravikishan who started business during the financial year 2018-2019 are given as follows:
(15 marks)

Intra State Supply of goods 18,00,000
Inter State Supply of goods 13,00,000
Intra State Purchases of goods13,00,000
Inter State Purchases of goods1,50,000
ITC at the beginning [op.bal.]

If inward and outward supplies are exclusive of taxes. Find out whether he is liable for payment
under GST, And Total GST Payable U/S 49 if tax rate is CGST, SGST, IGST is 9%, 9%, and 18%.


Q.2 B) ACS Ltd. Operating in Two States Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, the Tax Liability for the month of March 2019 is as follows: . (15 Marks)

ParticularsAndhra Pradesh Rs.Tamil Nadu Rs.
Output CGST payable25,00010,000
Output SGST payable 110,0005,000
Output IGST payable 3,0602,500
Input Credit CGST 8,00013,000
Input Credit SGST 15,0001,500
Input Credit IGST 12,00016,000

Prepare different ledger and Find out whether ACS Ltd. is liable for payment under GST or Not?

Q.3 A) 1. M/S Ravi Dyeing Pvt, Ltd. Supplied goods worth Rs. 10,00,000 to M/S Yunus Pvt. Ltd. in the month of September,2017 plus GST 12%. M/S Ravi Dyeing Pvt. Paid the GST on 5! December 2018.The amount of input tax is 70,000 is available in the books. Calculate interest payable @18% pa U/S50 under CGST Act? (5 Marks)

Q.3 A) 2. The details of business transactions of Mr, Nandi who started business on 1% April 2019 are given below. If he has Rs. 5,00,000 in his electronic cash ledger suggest him order of discharge of liability L/S 49(8): (10 Marks)

Tax liability of COST, SGST, GST for supplied made during August 20181,00,000
Interest and penalty on delayed payment and filling of returns belonging to August 2018 20,000
Tax liability of CGT, SGST, IGST for supplied made during September 2018 1,20,000
Interest and penalty on delay ed payment and filling of returns belonging to September 201820,000
Demand raised as per Section 73 or Section 74 under CGST Act.2017 belonging to January 20198,00,000
Demand raised as per the old provisions of Indirect Taxes1,00,000


Q.3 B) 1. M/s Rose Ltd. has in its Electronic Credit Ledger Rs. 10,00,000 not paid the Tax Rs. 30,00,000 for the month of May 2018, on or before due date 20/06/2018. If Tax paid on 10/10/2018.
Calculate interest payable@ 18% U/850 under CGST Act? (5 Marks)

Q.3 B) 2. Mr. Modi has output tax liability of Rs. 1,00,000 towards CGST and SGST/UTGST and Rs. 20,000 towards IGST and also interest payable of Rs. 1,800. Explain the manner of discharge of tax liability by Mr. Modi in following Two independent cases.
i) ITC available of CGST, SGST of Rs. 5,000 each & IGST Rs. 25,000
i) ITC not available (10 Marks)

Q.4 A) Product Z was imported by Mr. Rahul by Air. The details of import transaction are as follows:

ParticularsUS $
Price of Product Z at exporter’s factory16,000
Freight from factory of exporter to load airport (airpart in the country of exporter) 500
Loading and handling charges at loading airport500
Freight from loading airport to airport of importation in India7,000
Insurance Charges 4,000
Rate of ExchangeRs. 64 per US $
Rate of Basic Custom Duty [BCD]15%
Social Welfare Surcharge [SWS] 10%
Integrated Tax U/S 3(7) 12%

Calculate Total Value of Product Z in India. (15 Marks)


Q.4 B)1. Calculate Custom Duty Payable. (10 Marks)

CIF Price of Imported (Luxury Car) 40,00,000
Cost of Transportation 2,50,000
Cost of Insurance 80,000
Rate of Basic Custom Duty [BCD]60%
Social Welfare Surcharge [SWS] 10%
Integrated Tax U/S 3(7)28%
GST compensation cess 15%

Q.4 B) 2. Mr. Robart an Indian resident of 35 years returned to India after visiting London on 10th April 2019. On his baggage he brought following items with him:

Particulars Rs.
Goods with personal effects like cloths etc 60,000
10 liters of Wine5,000
Cigars 100 worth 21,000
A Microwave oven 30,000
Rate of Basic Custom Duty [BCD] 35%
Social Welfare Surcharge [SWS] 10%

Calculate Custom Duty Payable. (5 Marks)

Q.5 A) 1. Write any Eight Exempted Items from custom duty of Baggage Rules 2016 under Rule 3 from any annexure. (8 Marks)
Q.5 A) 2. Goods includes as per definition of Custom Act any Seven. (7 Marks)


Q.5 B) Write Short Notes Any Three: (15 Marks)
1) Scope of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.
2) Objectives of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.
3) Guiding principles of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.
4) Different Types of Duties as per Custom Act.
5) Different Types of Audit as per CGST Act.

TYBAF SEM 6 Indirect tax Question Paper 2019 Pdf

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Tips to score good marks in TYBAF Exam

  1. Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying: begin early. You’ll have more time to learn the topic and solve questions, the earlier you start.
  2. Remain arranged: Plan a study schedule and stick to it. Take time to rest and refresh during breaks.
  3. Regularly review your notes: Regularly reviewing back your notes will help you keep the content in your memory.
  4. Practice, practice, practice: By working through sample problems and completing sample tests, you can identify your areas of weakness and become familiar with the exam’s format.
  5. Ask for assistance if you need it: If you’re having trouble with the subject, don’t be shy to ask for assistance. You can seek advice from your teacher, a classmate, or a tutor.
  6. Get a good night’s sleep: The night before the exam, be sure to get lots of rest. A mind that has got enough sleep is better prepared to memorize and recall information.
  7. Arrive early on exam day: Arrive early on the day of the exam to give yourself time to settle your worries and mentally prepare.
  8. Stay focused during the exam: Avoid being distracted during the exam by remaining focused. Take a deep breath and return your attention to the activity at hand if you realize that your mind is roaming.
  9. Don’t waste too much time on any one question: keep an eye on the time. If you start to struggle, leave it and return to it later.
  10. Review your exam after you’re done: After you’re finished, review your paper for a while. By doing this, you’ll be able to correct any mistakes you may have made and provide any answers you’re not sure about.

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