SYBMS Marketing Subjects
Following are the list of SYBMS Marketing Subjects :
1) Consumer Behaviour
2) Advertising
3) Product Innovations Management
4) Social Marketing
SYBMS Sem 3 Consumer Behaviour Subjects
Chapter 1 – Introduction To Consumer Behaviour
a) Meaning of Consumer Behaviour, Features and Importance
b) Types of Consumer (Institutional & Retail), Diversity of Consumers and Their Behaviour – Types of Consumer Behaviour
c) Profiling the Consumer and Understanding Their Needs
d) Consumer Involvement
e) Application of Consumer Behaviour Knowledge in Marketing
f) Consumer Decision Making Process and Determinants of Buyer
g) Behaviour, Factors Affecting each Stage and Need recognition
Chapter 2 – Individual – Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
a) Consumer Needs & Motivation (Theories – Maslow, McClelland)
b) Personality – Concept, Nature of Personality, Freudian, Non – Freudian and Trait Theories, Personality Traits and It’s Marketing Significance, Product Personality and Brand Personification
c) Self Concept – Concept
d) Consumer Perception
e) Learning – Theory, Nature of Consumer Attitudes, Consumer Attitude
f) Formation & Change
g) Attitude – Concept of Attitude
Chapter 3 – Environmental Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
a) Family Influences on Buyer Behaviour
b) Roles of Different Members, Needs Perceived and Evaluation Rules
c) Factors Affecting the Need of the Family, Family Life Cycle Stage and Size
d) Social Class and Influences
e) Group Dynamics & Consumer Reference Groups, Social Class & Consumer Behaviour – Reference Groups, Opinion Leaders and Social Influences In-group versus Out-group Influences, Role of Opinion Leaders in Diffusion of Innovation and in Purchase Process.
f) Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour Understanding Cultural and Sub-cultural Influences on Individual, Norms and Their Role, Customs, Traditions and Value System
Chapter 4 – Consumer Decision Making Models and New Trends
a) Consumer Decision Making Models: Howard Sheth Model, Engel Blackwell, Miniard Model, Nicosia Models of Consumer Decision Making
b) Diffusion of Innovations, Process of Diffusion and Adoption, Innovation, Decision Process, Innovator Profiles
c) E-Buying Behaviour, The E-buyer vis-a-vis the Brick and Mortar Buyer, Influences on E-buying
SYBMS Sem 3 Advertising Subjects
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Advertising
a) Definition, Evolution of Advertising, Importance, Scope, Features, Benefits, Five M’s of Advertising
b) Types of Advertising – Consumer advertising, industrial advertising, institutional advertising, classified advertising, national advertising, generic advertising
c) Theories of Advertising : Stimulus Theory, AIDA, Hierarchy Effects Model, Means – End Theory, Visual Verbal Imaging, Cognitive Dissonance
d) Ethics and Laws in Advertising : Puffery, Shock Ads, Subliminal Advertising, Weasel Claim, Surrogate Advertising, Comparative Advertising Code of Ethics, Regulatory Bodies, Laws and Regulation – CSR, Public Service Advertising, Corporate Advertising, Advocacy Advertising
e) Social, cultural and Economic Impact of Advertising, the impact of ads on Kids, Women and Advertising
Chapter 2 – Strategy and Planning Process in Advertising
a) Advertising Planning Process & Strategy : Introduction to Marketing Plan, Advertising Plan – Background, situational analysis related to Advertising issues, Marketing Objectives, Advertising Objectives, Target Audience, Brand Positioning (equity, image personality), Creative Strategy, message strategy, media strategy, Integration of advertising with other communication tools
b) Role of Advertising in Marketing Mix : Product planning, product brand policy, price, packaging, distribution, Elements of Promotion, Role of Advertising in PLC
c) Advertising Agencies – Functions – Structure – Types – Selection criteria for Advertising Agency – Maintaining Agency – Client Relationship, Agency Compensation
Chapter 3 – Creativity in Advertising
a) Introduction to Creativity – definition, importance, creative process, Creative strategy development – Advertising Campaign – determining the message theme/major selling ideas – introduction to USP – positioning strategies – persuasion and types of advertising appeals – role of source in ads and celebrities as source in Indian ads – execution styles of presenting ads.
b) Role of different elements of ads – logo, company signature, slogan, tagline, jingle, illustrations, etc.
c) Creating the TV commercial – Visual Techniques, Writing script, developing storyboard, other elements (Optical, Soundtrack, Music)
d) Creating Radio Commercial – words, sound, music – scriptwriting the commercial – clarity, coherence, pleasantness, believability, interest, distinctiveness
e) Copywriting: Elements of Advertisement copy – Headline, sub-headline, Layout, Body copy, slogans. Signature, closing idea, Principles of Copywriting for print, OOH, essentials of good copy, Types of Copy, Copy Research
Chapter 4 – Budget, Evaluation, Current Trends and Careers in Advertising
a) Advertising Budget – Definition of Advertising Budget, Features, Methods of Budgeting
b) Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness – Pre-testing and Post testing Objectives, Testing process for Advertising effectiveness, Methods of Pre-testing and Post-testing, Concept testing v/s Copy testing
c) Current Trends in Advertising : Rural and Urban Advertising, Digital Advertising, Content Marketing (Advertorials), retail advertising, lifestyle advertising, Ambush Advertising, Global Advertising – scope and challenges – current global trends
d) Careers in Advertising : careers in Media and supporting firms, freelancing options for career in advertising, role of Advertising Account Executives, campaign Agency family tree – topmost advertising agencies and the famous advertisements designed by them
SYBMS Sem 3 Product Innovations Management Subjects
Chapter 1 – Innovations Management
a) Introduction – Innovations Management
Innovations: Concept; Features; Types of Innovations; Innovations management;
Features of Innovations Management; Significance of innovations; Principles of innovations.
b) Thinking Tools for Innovations
Left and right brain thinking; Creative thinking; Traditional V/S Creative thinking; Intuition; Introduction to creativity;
Process of creativity; Creativity methods
c) Legal Aspects of innovations
Safeguarding innovations; Concept of Intellectual Property Rights; Patents; Patenting trends; trademarks; Industrial designs;
Copyrights ;Trade secrets
Chapter 2 – Managerial Aspects of Innovations functions
a) Organizing for Innovations
Introduction; Concepts; Organizational theories and structures; Traits of innovative
organization; Factors influencing organizational design and Size decision.
b) Strategizing Innovations
Introduction; Innovations as a strategy component; Developing innovation strategy;
Innovation strategies; Market standing based strategies.
c) Managing Innovations Functions
Introduction; Style at the top; Planning; Organizing; Staffing; Controlling;
Characteristics of good management
d) Climate and culture for innovations
Introduction; Need for creative organizations; Characteristics of creative
organizations; Creating creative organizations – 7s framework; Fostering innovations
climate and culture.
Chapter 3 – Product innovations, Process Innovations and Innovations Diffusion
a) Introduction to product innovations
Types of new products; Technology strategy for product innovation; New product development process; Packaging innovations; Positioning innovations; New product failures; Cases of Innovating companies.
b) Process Innovations
Introduction; Concept of Process; Features of process; Types of process innovations; Process Management; Process improvement methods; Business process reengineering; Benchmarking.
c) Innovations Diffusion
Introduction; Concept of diffusion and adoption; Impact of innovations; Diffusion as an integral part of innovation strategy; Innovations diffusion theories; Factors influencing diffusion strategy; Internalization of innovations.
Chapter 4 – New Product Development Strategy
a) New Product Development and Product specifications
Concept of new product development, specifications: Establishment of specifications, Establishing Target specifications; Setting the final specifications.
b) Concept Generation, Selection and Testing
5 step methods of concept generation, Methods for selecting a concept; Benefits of choosing a structured method; Concept screening; Concept scoring, 7- Test method of concept testing.
c) Product testing
Introduction, Purpose of product testing; Overriding concerns of product testing; Major decision in constructing a product test.
SYBMS Sem 3 Social Marketing Subjects
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Social Marketing & Its Environment
a) Definition of Social Marketing, Features, Need for Social Marketing, Evolution of Social Marketing, Social Marketing v/s Commercial Marketing, Challenges of Social Marketing.
b) Social Marketing Unique Value Preposition, Relevance of Social marketing.
c) Environment in Social Marketing, Components, Impact of Environment on Social Marketing.
Chapter 2 – Social Marketing Plan, STP and Marketing Mix
a) Social Marketing Plan, Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
Social Marketing Plan, Steps in developing social marketing plan, importance
of planning. Segmentation, Basis of Segmentation, Criteria for evaluating
segments, Targeting, Selecting Target Audience for Social Marketing,
Positioning and Types of positioning.
b) Social Marketing Mix
i) Product: Social Product, Level of Product, Social Product Branding Decision.
ii) Price: Monetary and non-monetary incentives for desired behavior, Pricing Objectives, Pricing Strategies.
iii) Place: 5 A’s of Distribution of Product in social marketing, Types of distribution channel
iv) Promotion: Developing a Promotion Mix for social product, Message Strategy, Messenger Strategy, Creativity Strategy, selecting communication channel.
Chapter 3 – Managing Behaviour for Social Change & NPO & CSR
a) Managing Behaviour for Social Change
Types of Behaviour Objectives, Knowledge objectives and belief objectives, Behaviour Change Models, Theories and Frameworks: Social Norm Theory, The diffusion of innovation model, The health belief model, The ecological model, Theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behaviour. Social Cognitive theory/social learning, The behavioural economics framework and the nudge factor, the science of habit framing,
b) Not for Profit Organization (NPO) & CSR
Meaning, NGO, Voluntary Organization, Third Sector, NPO Sector. Status of Voluntary sector in India. Starting a Voluntary Organization in India: Trust, Society, Section 8 Company under the Companies Act of 2013. CSR, Meaning, Overview of CSR in India, Overview of CSR rules for corporation under Companies Act of 2013, CSR Impact Evaluation. Need for Governance in Not for Profit Sector, Ethics in Social Marketing
Chapter 4 Social Marketing – A Sectoral Overview & Careers
a) Marketing Health
b) Marketing Education
c) Marketing Medicare
d) Marketing Sanitation
e) Marketing Financial Literacy & Savings
f) Marketing Digital Literacy
g) Marketing of Social Issues of Youth.
h) Social Work as a profession and Social Entrepreneurship, Careers in Social Marketing.
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SYBMS Marketing Subjects
(Semester 4)

List of group of Marketing Elective Courses(EC) for Semester IV (Any two)
1) Integrated Marketing Communication
2) Rural Marketing
3) Event Marketing
4) Tourism Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication
a) Meaning, Features of IMC, Evolution of IMC, Reasons for Growth of IMC.
b) Promotional Tools for IMC, IMC planning process, Role of IMC in Marketing
c) Communication process, Traditional and alternative Response Hierarchy Models
d) Establishing objectives and Budgeting: Determining Promotional Objectives, Sales vs Communication Objectives, DAGMAR, Problems in setting objectives, setting objectives for the IMC Program.
Chapter 2 – Elements of IMC – I
a) Advertising – Features, Role of Advertising in IMC, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Types of Advertising, Types of Media used for advertising.
b) Sales promotion – Scope, role of Sales Promotion as IMC tool, Reasons for the growth, Advantages and Disadvantages, Types of Sales Promotion, objectives of consumer and trade promotion, strategies of consumer promotion and trade promotion, sales promotion campaign, evaluation of Sales Promotion campaign.
Chapter 3 – Elements of IMC – II
a) Direct Marketing – Role of direct marketing in IMC, Objectives of Direct Marketing, Components for Direct Marketing, Tools of Direct Marketing – direct mail, catalogues, direct response media, internet, telemarketing, alternative media evaluation of effectiveness of direct marketing
b) Public Relations and Publicity – Introduction, Role of PR in IMC, Advantages and Disadvantages, Types of PR, Tools of PR ,Managing PR – Planning, implementation, evaluation and Research, Publicity, Sponsorship – definition, Essentials of good sponsorship, event sponsorship, cause sponsorship
c) Personal Selling – Features, Role of Personal Selling in IMC, advantages and disadvantages of Personal Selling, Selling process, Importance of Personal Selling
Chapter 4 – Evaluation & Ethics in Marketing Communication
a) Evaluating an Integrated Marketing program – Evaluation process of IMC – Message Evaluations, Advertising tracking research – copy testing – emotional reaction test, cognitive Neuro science – online evaluation, Behavioural Evaluation – sales and response rate, POPAI, Toll free numbers, QR codes and facebook likes, response cards, Internet responses, redemption rate Test Markets – competitive responses, scanner data, Purchase simulation tests
b) Ethics and Marketing communication – stereotyping, targeting vulnerable customers, offensive brand messages – legal issues – Commercial free speech, misleading claims, puffery, fraud, questionable B2B practices
c) Current Trends in IMC – Internet & IMC, Advertising on internet, PR through Internet Banner, Sales promotion on Internet, direct marketing on internet.
Rural Marketing
Chapter 1 – Introduction to rural marketing
a) Introduction to Rural Market, Definition &Scope of Rural Marketing.
b) Rural Market in India-Size & Scope, Rural development as a core area, Efforts put for Rural development by government (A brief Overview).
c) Emerging Profile of Rural Markets in India,
d) Problems of rural market.
e) Constraints in Rural Marketing and Strategies to overcome constraints
Chapter 2 – Rural Market
a)Rural Consumer Vs Urban Consumers– a comparison.
b) Characteristics of Rural Consumers.
c) Rural Market Environment:
i)Demographics– Population, Occupation Pattern, Literacy Level;
ii)Economic Factors-Income Generation, Expenditure Pattern, Rural Demand and Consumption Pattern, Rural Market Index; Land Use Pattern,
iii)Rural Infrastructure -Rural Housing, Electrification, Roads
d) Rural Consumer Behaviour: meaning, Factors affecting Rural Consumer Behaviour-Social factors, Cultural factors, Technological factors, Lifestyle, Personality.
Chapter 3 – Rural Marketing Mix
a) Relevance of Marketing mix for Rural market/Consumers.
b) Product Strategies, Rural Product Categories-FMCGs, Consumer Durables, Agriculture Goods &Services; Importance of Branding, Packaging and Labelling.
c) Nature of Competition in Rural Markets, the problem of Fake Brands
d) Pricing Strategies & objectives
e) Promotional Strategies. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning for rural market.
Chapter 4 – Rural Marketing Strategies
a) Distribution Strategies for Rural consumers.
Channels of Distribution- HAATS, Mandis, Public Distribution System, Cooperative society, Distribution Models of FMCG, Companies HUL, ITC etc. Distribution networks, Ideal distribution model for rural markets (Case study based)
b) Communication Strategy.
Challenges in Rural Communication, Developing Effective Communication, Determining Communication Objectives, Designing the Message, Selecting the Communication Channels. Creating Advertisements for Rural Audiences.
Rural Media- Mass media, Non-Conventional Media, Personalized media;
Event Marketing
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Events
a) Definition and Meaning of Event Marketing ; The Evolution of Event Marketing, Advantages of Event Marketing, 5 C’s of Events- Conceptualization, costing, canvassing, customization, carrying-out; Event Designing; Reach; InteractionInteraction Points, Direct Interaction, Indirect Interaction, Interaction Catalysts or Enablers.
b) Importance of Events as a Marketing Communication Tool; Events as a Marketing Tool: The Varied Marketing Needs Addressed by Events: Brand Building, Focus on Target Market, Implementation of Marketing Plan, Marketing Research, Relationship Building, Creating opportunities for better deals with different media, Events and their Economic implications.
c) Concept of Event Creativity, Key Elements of Events: Event Infrastructure; Customer Groups; Clients; Event Organizers; Venue; Media
Chapter 2 – Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning of Events and Concept of Product in Events
a) Concept of Market in Events; Segmentation and targeting of the Market for events; Positioning of events-Event Property.
b) Concept of Product in Events: Benefit Levels-Core, generic, expected, augmented; Categories of Events: Competitive Events, Artistic Expression, Cultural Celebrations, Exhibition Events, Charitable Events ,Special Business Events, Retail Events.
c) Event Variations- Time Frame Based, Concept Based, Artist Based, Client Industry Based
Chapter 3 – Concept of Pricing and Promotion in Events
a) Risk Rating, Setting Pricing Objectives, Understanding local legislations and tax laws, Feedback about events from the market, skills required for negotiating the best price, validation against pricing objectives, pricing decisions, Event Charges: Percentage of the total Event Cost, Flat Fee, Package Price, Hourly Rate.
b) Networking Components: Print Media, Radio, Television, Internet, Outdoor Media, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Merchandising, Invenue Publicity.
c) Event Sponsorship: Concept of Sponsorship, Sponsorship in a communication context, Synergy between sponsor and Event, Identifying Potential sponsors, Impact Measurement, Practical Sponsor Incentivization, In-Kind Sponsorship.
Chapter 4 – Trends and Challenges in Event Marketing
a) e-event marketing, Virtual Events, Societal Event Marketing, Green Event, Cause-Related Event Marketing, Sports Event Marketing.
b) Safety and Security of Event
c) Event Crisis Management
d) Growth of Event Industry in India
e) Career in Event Marketing
Tourism Marketing
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Tourism Marketing
a) Meaning of Tourism & Tourist, Features of Tourism, Purpose of Tourism, Adverse Effects of Tourism, Factors Influencing growth of Tourism, Classification of Tourism; Types of Tourism: Health, adventure, rural, cultural, religious, eco-Tourism, wedding Tourism, cruise Tourism.
b) Tourism Marketing Meaning, Objectives of Tourism Marketing, Importance of Tourism Marketing, Problems of Tourism Marketing.
c) Phases of Tourism: Economic Approach, Environmental Approach, Cost Benefit Approach.
d) Tourism Planning: Process, Study of market, Levels of tourism planning, Organization of a tour. Tour Operators and Travel Agents: functions, types, distribution network, Travel agency operations, Travel Organization-Individual and group, travel itinerary. Travel Formalities and Documentation.
Chapter 2 – Tourism Market Segmentation & Product Mix of Tourism Marketing
a) Tourism Market Segmentation:
Meaning, Need for Market Segmentation in Tourism
Importance of Market Segmentation in Tourism
Bases for Segmentation in Tourism
Tourist Typology: Cohens Typology, Plog’s Typology
b) 4 ‘A’s of Tourism
Attraction: Meaning, Typology of Attraction, Natural, Artificial, Cultural, Social, Managed Attraction for Tourist, Peter’s Inventory of Tourist
Accommodation: Meaning, Typology of Accommodation
Accessibility: Meaning, Transportation System for Tourism, Surface Transport, Railways and its contribution to tourism, Sea & Waterways, Airways
Amenities: Meaning, Amenities & Facilities at the destination.
c) Marketing Strategy: Hard v/s Soft Tourism Strategy.
d) Product Mix of Tourism Marketing: Meaning, Tourism Destination Life Cycle, Factors for tourism destination selection, launching a new tourism product, Tourism Product and Package Tour, Itinerary meaning, Types of Itinerary, Drawing a Itinerary for Tourist, Reservation meaning, Sources of reservation, Modes of Reservation, Ticketing Procedure
Chapter 3 – Concept of Pricing, Place, Promotion and Expanded marketing mix for tourism marketing
a) Price: Meaning, Factors Influencing Tourism Pricing, Tourism Pricing Objectives, Tourism Pricing Policies
b) Place: Meaning, Factors Influencing Tourism Distribution, Tourism Distribution System, Middlemen in Tourism Industry, Functions of Middlemen, Travel Guide Meaning, Essential of an ideal travel guide.
c) Promotion: Tourism Advertising, Tourism Publicity, Tourism Public Relation, Tourism Sales promotion Technique, Personal Selling in Tourism, Skills required for Selling Tourism Product, Electronics Channel of Tourism
d) People: Moment of Truth in Tourism, Employee as an element of people mix, Internal Marketing, Objectives of Internal Marketing, Internal marketing Process.
e) Process: Meaning, Factors to be considered while designing the service process, Tourism Service Blueprinting: Meaning, Steps, Benefits of Blueprinting
f) Physical Evidence for Tourism
Chapter 4 – Global Tourism, Tourism Organizations and Challenges for Indian Tourism Industry
a) Global Tourism Market: Overview of Tourism Market of America, Mauritius, Asia Pacific, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Singapore, Middle East and Gulf, UK and other European Countries.
b) Status of tourism in developing countries.
c) India as a Tourist Destination: A conceptual framework, Destination Image, Building Brand India; Incredible India Campaign
d) Challenges for Indian Tourism Industry
e) Tourism Organizations: World Trade Organization (WTO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA), Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, India Tourism Development Corporation.
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