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ToggleSYBMS Finance Subjects
(Semester 3)
List of group of Finance Elective Courses(EC) for Semester III (Any two)
1) Introduction to Cost Accounting
2) Basics of Financial Services
3) Equity and Debt Market
4) Corporate Finance
SYBMS Sem 3 Introduction to Cost Accounting Subjects
a) Meaning, Nature and scope – Objective of Cost Accounting – Financial Accounting v/s Cost Accounting – Advantages and Disadvantages of Cost Accounting – Elements of Costs – Cost classification (concept only) – Installation of Cost Accounting System, Process (Simple and Inter process) and Job Costing (Practical Problems)
a) Material Costing – Stock valuation (FIFO & weighted average method), EOQ, EOQ with discounts, Calculation of Stock levels (Practical Problems)
b) Labour Costing – (Bonus and Incentive Plans) (Practical Problems)
c) Overhead Costing (Primary and Secondary Distribution)
a) Cost Sheet (Current and Estimated) (Practical Problems)
b) Reconciliation of financial accounts and cost accounting (Practical Problems)
Uniform Costing and Interfirm Comparison, Emerging Concepts – Target Costing, Benchmarking, JIT, The Balanced Scorecard; Strategic Based Control; Concept, Process, Implementation of Balanced Scorecard, Challenges in implementation of Balanced Scorecard
SYBMS Sem 3 Basics of Financial Services Subjects
An overview of Financial System, Financial Markets,
Structure of Financial Market (Organised and Unorganized Market),
Components of Financial System, Major Financial Intermediaries, Financial Products, Function of Financial System, Regulatory Framework of Indian Financial System (Overview of SEBI and RBI-Role and Importance as regulators).
Concept of Commercial Banks – Functions, Investment Policy of Commercial Banks, Liquidity in Banks, Asset Structure of Commercial
Banks, Non-Performing Assets, Interest Rate reforms, Capital Adequacy Norms.
Reserve Bank of India – Organization & Management, Role and Functions
Development Banks – Characteristics of Development Banks, Need And Emergence of Development Financial Institutions In India, Function of Development Banks.
Concept, Basic Characteristics of Insurance, Insurance Company Operations, Principles of Insurance, Reinsurance, Purpose and Need of Insurance, Different Kinds of Life Insurance Products, Basic Idea About Fire and Marine Insurance and Bancassurance
Concept of Mutual Funds, Growth of Mutual Funds in India, Features and Importance of Mutual Fund. Mutual Fund Schemes, Money Market Mutual Funds, Private Sector Mutual Funds, Evaluation of the Performance of Mutual Funds, Functioning of Mutual Funds in India.
SYBMS Sem 3 Equity and Debt Market Subjects
a) Equity Market – Meaning & Definitions of Equity Share; Growth of Corporate sector & simultaneous growth of equity shareholders; divorce between ownership and management in companies; development of Equity culture in India & current position.
b) Debt Market – Evolution of Debt markets in India; Money market & Debt markets in India; Regulatory framework in the Indian Debt market.
a) Primary :
i) IPO – methods followed (simple numerical)
ii) Book Building
iii Role of Merchant Bankers in fixing the price
iv) Red Herring Prospectus – unique features
v) Numerical on sweat equity, ESOP & Rights issue of shares
b) Secondary :
i) Definition & Functions of Stock Exchanges
ii) Evolution & Growth of Stock Exchanges
iii) Stock Exchanges in India
iv) NSE, BSE OTCEI & Overseas Stock Exchanges
v) Recent Developments in Stock Exchanges
vi) Stock Market Indices
a) Govt. Securities
b) Public Sector Bonds & Corporate Bonds
c) Open Market Operations
d) Security Trading Corp. of India
e) Primary Dealers in Govt. Securities
Bonds :
a) Features of Bonds
b) Types of Bonds
A) Valuation of Equity :
a) Balance Sheet Valuation
b) Dividend Discount Model (zero growth, constant growth & multiple growth)
c)Price Earning Model
B) Valuation of Bonds :
a) Determinants of the value of bonds
b) Yield to Maturity
c) Interest Rate Risk
d) Determinants of Interest Rate Risk
SYBMS Sem 3 Corporate Finance Subjects
a) Introduction To Corporate Finance: Meaning, Principles of Corporate Finance, Significance of Corporate Finance, Amount of
Capitalization, Over Capitalization and Under Capitalization, Fixed capital and Working Capital funds.
b) Introduction to ownership securities– Ordinary Shares, Reference Shares, Creditor Ship Securities, Debtors and Bonds, Convertible Debentures, Concept of Private Placement of Securities.
a) Introduction to Capital Structure theories, EBIT – EPS analysis for Capital Structure decision.
b) Cost of Capital – Cost of Debt, Cost of Preference Shares, Cost of Equity Shares and Cost of Retained Earnings,
Calculation of Weighted Cost of Capital.
c) Introduction to concept of Leverage – Operating Leverage, Financial Leverage and Combined Leverage.
a) Introduction to Time Value of Money – compounding and discounting
b) Introduction to basics of Capital Budgeting (time value of money based methods) –
NPV and IRR (Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return)
c) Importance of Risk and Return analysis in Corporate Finance
a) Public deposits and RBI regulations, Company deposits and SEBI regulations, Protection of depositors, RBI and public deposits with NBFC’s.
b) Foreign capital and collaborations, Foreign direct Investment (FDI) Emerging trends in FDI
c) Global Depositary Receipts, Policy development, Capital flows and Equity Debt.
d) Brief introduction & sources of short term Finance Bank Overdraft, Cash Credit, Factoring.
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(Semester 4)
SYBMS Finance Subjects
(Semester 4)
List of group of Finance Elective Courses(EC) for Semester IV (Any two)
1) Financial Institutions and Markets
2) Auditing
3) Strategic Cost Management
4) Corporate Restructuring
SYBMS Sem 4 Financial Institutions and Markets Subjects
a) Financial System Theoretical Settings – Meaning, Importance, Functions of financial system, Indian financial system from financial neutrality to financial activism and from financial volatility to financial stability. Role of government in Financial development, Phases of Indian financial system since independence (State Domination – 1947-1990, Financial sector reforms 1991 till Financial sector Legislative Reforms Commission 2013) (Only an Overview) Monitoring Framework for financial Conglomerates
b) Structure of Indian Financial System – Financial Institutions (Banking & Non-Banking ), Financial Markets (Organized and Unorganized), Financial Assets/Instruments, Financial Services (Fund based & Free Based) – (In details)
c) Microfinance – Conceptual Framework – Origin, Definitions, Advantages, Barriers, Microfinance Models in India
a) Financial Regulators – Ministry of Finance (Dept. of DEA, Expenditure, Revenue, financial services and disinvestment) RBI – Changing Role of RBI in the financial sector, global crisis and RBI, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, SEBI, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority, IRDA.
b) Financial Institutions – Role, Classification, Role of Commercial Banks, IFCI, IDBI, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India, SFC, Investment institutions in India ( LIC, GIC) NBFC services provided by NBFC.
c) Specialized Financial Institutions – EXIM, NABARD, SIDBI, NHB, SIDC, SME Rating agency of India Ltd, IIFCL, IWRFC (Their role, functions and area of concerns)
a) Indian Money Market – Meaning, Features, Functions, Importance, Defects, Participants, Components ( Organized and Unorganized) ( in details) and Reforms
b) Indian Capital Market – Meaning, Features, Functions, Importance, Participants, Instruments, Reforms in Primary and Secondary Market, Stock Indices, NSE, BSE, ADR and GDR
c) Introduction of Commodity and Derivative Markets
d) Insurance and Mutual Funds – An introduction
a) Financial System Design – Meaning, Stakeholder Lender Conflict, Manager Stock holder conflict, Conflict Resolution and Financial System Design, Bank oriented systems and Market oriented systems its advantages and drawbacks, Dimensions of well-functioning financial systems
b) At Global Level – Financial system designs of Developed countries (Japan, Germany, UK and USA) (Brief Summary)
c) Case Studies relating to disinvestments polices of PSU in India, Global crises and failures in market systems around world
SYBMS Sem 4 Auditing Subjects
a) Basics – Financial Statements, Users of Information, Definition of Auditing, Objectives of Auditing – Primary and Secondary, Expression of Opinion, Detection of Frauds and Errors. Inherent limitations of Audit, Difference between Accounting and Auditing, Investigation and Auditing
b) Errors & Frauds – Definitions, Reasons and Circumstances, Types of Error – Commission, Omission, Compensating Error. Types of Frauds, Risk of Fraud and Error in Audit, Auditors Duties and Responsibilities in case of Fraud
c) Principles of Audit – Integrity, Objectivity, Independence, Skills, Competence, Work performed by others, Documentation, Planning, Audit Evidence, Accounting System and Internal Control, Audit Conclusions and Reporting
d) Types of Audit – Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages of Balance Sheet Audit, Interim Audit, Continuous Audit, Concurrent Audit and Annual Audit
a) Audit Planning – Meaning, Objectives, Factors to be considered, Sources of obtaining information, Discussion with Client, Overall Audit Approach
b) Audit Program – Meaning, Factors, Advantages and Disadvantages, Overcoming Disadvantages, Methods of Work, Instruction before commencing Work, Overall Audit Approach
c) Audit Working Papers – Meaning, importance, Factors determining Form and Contents, Main Functions / Importance, Features, Contents of Permanent Audit File, Temporary Audit File, Ownership, Custody, Access of Other Parties to Audit Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Client’s Books
d) Audit Note Book – Meaning, Contents, General Information, Current Information, Importance
a) Test Check – Test Checking Vs Routing Checking, Test Check Meaning, Features, Factors to be considered, when Test Checks can be used, Advantages, Disadvantages, Precautions
b) Audit Sampling – Audit Sampling, Meaning, Purpose, Factors in determining sample size – Sampling Risk, Tolerable Error and Expected Error, Methods of selecting Sample Items, Evaluation of Sample Results, Auditors Liability in conducting audit based on Sample
c) Internal Control – Meaning and purpose, review of internal control, advantages, auditors duties, review of internal control, Inherent Limitations of Internal control, internal control samples for sales and debtors, purchases and creditors, wages and salaries. Internal Checks Vs Internal Control, Internal Checks Vs Test Checks
d) Internal Audit : Meaning, basic principles of establishing Internal audit, objectives, evaluation of internal Audit by statutory auditor, usefulness of Internal Audit, Internal Audit Vs External Audit, Internal Checks Vs Internal Audit
a) Audit of Income : Cash Sales, Sales on Approval, Consignment Sales, Sales Returns Recovery of Bad Debts written off, Rental Receipts, Interest and Dividends Received Royalties Received
b) Audit of Expenditure : Purchases, Purchase Returns, Salaries and Wages, Rent, Insurance Premium, Telephone expense Postage and Courier, Petty Cash Expenses, Travelling Commission Advertisement, Interest Expense
c) Audit of Assets Book Debts / Debtors, Stocks – Auditors General Duties; Patterns, Dies and Loose Tools, Spare Parts, Empties and Containers Quoted Investments and Unquoted Investment Trade Marks / Copyrights Patents Know-How, Plant and Machinery, Land and Buildings, Furniture and Fixtures
d) Audit of Liabilities : Outstanding Expenses, Bills Payable Secured loans Unsecured Loans, Contingent Liabilities
SYBMS Sem 4 Strategic Cost Management Subjects
a) Strategic Cost Management (SCM): Concept and Philosophy-Objectives of SCM-Environmental influences on cost management practices, Key elements in SCM-Different aspects of Strategic Cost Management: Value Analysis & Value Engineering, Wastage Control, Disposal Management, Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance, Energy Audit, Control of Total Distribution Cost & Supply Cost, Cost Reduction & Product Life Cycle Costing(An Overview)
a) Activity Based Management and Activity Based Budgeting: Concept, rationale, issues, limitations. Design and Implementation of Activity Based Costing
(Practical Problems on ABC), Life Cycle Costing, Kaizen Costing, Back Flush Costing. Evaluation criterion; Return on Cash Systems; Transfer Pricing and Divisional Performance. Transfer Pricing in International Business, Marginal Costing and Managerial Decision Mix (Practical Problems)
a) Cost Audit & Management Audit under companies Act, with reference to strategic assessment of cost & managerial performance- Strategic Cost-Benefit Analysis of different business restructuring propositions-Entrepreneurial approach to cost Management, with reference to core competencies, strategic advantages & long-term perspective of cost Management. Six Sigma, Learning Curve, Praise Analysis and Simulation
a) Standard Costing (Material, Labour, Overhead, Sales & Profit)
b) Responsibility Accounting –Introduction, Types & Evaluation of Profit Centre
and Investment Centre
SYBMS Sem 4 Corporate Restructuring Subjects
a) Corporate Restructuring – Historical Background, Meaning of Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Restructuring as a Business Strategy, Need and Scope of Corporate Restructuring.
b) Planning, Formulation and Execution of Various Restructuring Strategies, Important Aspects to be considered while Planning or Implementing Corporate Restructuring Strategies.
c) Forms of Restructuring – Merger, Demerger, Reverse merger , Disinvestment , Takeover/acquisition, Joint Venture (JV), Strategic Alliance, Franchising and Slump sale
a) Need for reconstruction and Company Law provisions, Distinction between internal and external reconstructions
b) Methods including alteration of share capital, variation of share-holder rights, sub division, consolidation, surrender and reissue/cancellation, reduction of share capital, with relevant legal provisions and accounting treatments for same.
a) In the nature of merger and purchase with corresponding accounting treatments of pooling of interests and purchase methods respectively
b) Computation and meaning of purchase consideration and Problems based on purchase method of accounting only.
a) Change in the Internal Aspects on Reorganization – Change of Name and Logo, Revised Organization Chart, Communication, Employee Compensation, Benefits and Welfare Activities, Aligning Company Policies, Aligning Accounting and Internal Database Management Systems, Re-Visiting Internal Processes and Re-Allocation of People
b) Change in External Aspects on Reorganization – Engagement with Statutory Authorities, Revised ISO Certification and Similar Other Certifications, Revisiting past Government approvals, decisions and other contracts.
c) Impact of Reorganization – Gain or Loss to Stakeholders, Implementation of Objectives, Integration of Businesses and Operations, Post Merger Success and Valuation and Impact on Human and Cultural Aspects.
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