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SYBMS HR Subjects | Semester 3 & 4 – Mumbai University

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SYBMS HR Subjects
(Semester 3)
SYBMS HR Subjects (Semester 3)

SYBMS HR Subjects
(Semester 3)

List of groups of Human Resource Elective Courses (EC) for Semester III (Any two)

1) Recruitment & Selection
2) Motivation and Leadership
3) Employees Relations & Welfare
4) Organization Behaviour & HRM

SYBMS Sem 3 Recruitment & Selection Subjects

Chapter 1 – Recruitment
a) Concepts of Recruitment- Meaning, Objectives, Scope & Definition, Importance and relevance of Recruitment.
b) Job Analysis–Concept, Specifications, Description, Process And Methods, Uses of Job Analysis
c) Job Design–Introduction, Definition, Modern Techniques, Factors affecting Job Design, Contemporary Issues in Job Designing.

d) Source or Type of Recruitment– a) Direct/Indirect, b)Internal/ External.
Internal-Notification, Promotion– Types, Transfer –Types, Reference
External-Campus Recruitment, Advertisement, Job Boards
Website/Portals, Internship, Placement Consultancies-Traditional
(InHouse, Internal Recruitment, On Campus, Employment And Traditional Agency).
Modern (Recruitment Books, Niche Recruitments, Internet Recruitment, Service Recruitment, Website and Job, Search Engine, Social
Recruiting and Candidate Paid Recruiters).
• Technique of Recruitment-Traditional Vs Modern Recruitment
• Evaluation of Recruitment-Outsourcing Programme

Chapter 2 – Selection
a) Selection-Concept of Selection, Criteria for Selection, Process, Advertisement and Application (Blank Format).
b) Screening-Pre and Post Criteria for Selection, Steps of Selection
c) Interviewing-Types and Guidelines for Interviewer & Interviewee, Types of Selection Tests, Effective Interviewing Techniques.
d) Selection Hurdles and Ways to Overcome Them

Chapter 3 – Induction
a) Induction-Concept, Types-Formal /Informal, Advantages of Induction ,How to make Induction Effective
b) Orientation & On boarding-Programme and Types, Process.
c) Socialization-Types-Anticipatory, Encounter, Setting in, Socializtion Tactics
d) Current trends in Recruitment and Selection Strategies– with respect to Service, Finance, I.T., Law And Media Industry

Chapter 4 – Soft Skills
a) Preparing Bio-data and C.V.
b) Social and Soft Skills – Group Discussion &Personal Interview, Video and Tele Conferencing Skills,
c) Presentation and Negotiation Skills, Aesthetic Skills,
d) Etiquettes-Different Types and Quitting Techniques.
e) Exit Interview-Meaning, importance.

SYBMS Sem 3 Motivation & Leadership Subjects

Chapter 1 – Motivation-I
a) Concept of motivation, Importance, Tools of Motivation.
b) Theory Z, Equity theory.
c) Process Theories-Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Valency-Four drive model.

Chapter 2 – Motivation-II
a) East v/s West, motivating workers (in context to Indian workers)
b) The Indian scene – basic differences.
c) Work –Life balance – concept, differences, generation and tips on work life balance.

Chapter 3 – Leadership-I
a) Leadership – Meaning, Traits and Motives of an Effective Leader, Styles of Leadership.
b) Theories – Trait Theory, Behavioural Theory, Path Goal Theory.
c) Transactional v/s Transformational leaders.
d) Strategic leaders– meaning, qualities.
e) Charismatic Leaders– meaning of charisma, Qualities, characteristics, types of charismatic leaders
(socialized, personalized, office-holder, personal, divine)

Chapter 4 – Leadership-II
a) Great leaders, their style, activities and skills (Ratan Tata, Narayan Murthy, Dhirubhai Ambani, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump)
b) Characteristics of creative leaders and organization methods to enhance creativity (Andrew Dubrein).
c) Contemporary issues in leadership–Leadership roles, team leadership, mentoring, self leadership, online leadership,
finding and creating effective leader.

SYBMS Sem 3 Employees Relations & Welfare Subjects

Chapter 1 – Overview of Employee Relations and Collective Bargaining
a) Employee Relations – Meaning, Scope, Elements of Employee Relations, Role of HR in Employee Relations
b) Employee Relation Policies – Meaning and Scope.
c) Ways to Improve Employee Relations

d) Collective Bargaining – Meaning, Characteristics, Need and Importance, Classification of collective bargaining – Distributive bargaining, Integrative bargaining, Attitudinal structuring and Intra-organizational bargaining; Principles of Collective Bargaining, Process, Causes for Failure of Collective Bargaining, Conditions for Successful Collective Bargaining

e) Collective Bargaining Strategies – Parallel or Pattern Bargaining, Multi-employer or Coalition Bargaining, Multi-unit or Coordinated Bargaining, and Single-unit Bargaining
f) Current Trends in Collective Bargaining

Chapter 2 – Overview of Employee Welfare
a) Meaning, Need for Employee Welfare, Principles of Employee/ Labour Welfare,
Scope for Employee/ Labour Welfare in India, Types of Welfare Services – Individual and Group.
b) Historical Development of Employee/ Labour Welfare in India – Pre and PostIndependence, Employee/ Labour Welfare Practices in India
c) Approaches to Employee/ Labour Welfare – Paternalistic, Atomistic, Mechanistic, Humanistic approach
d) Theories of Employee Welfare–Policing Theory, Religion Theory, Philanthropic Theory, Trusteeship Theory,
Public Relations Theory, Functional Theory
e) Administration of Welfare Facilities – Welfare Policy, Organisation of Welfare, Assessment of Effectiveness.

Chapter 3 – Welfare and Work Environment Management
a) Agencies for Labour Welfare – Central Government, State Government, Employers, Trade Union
b) Women Welfare – Meaning, Need for women welfare, Provision of Factories Act as applicable for women welfare
c) Responsibility of Employers towards labour welfare

d) Work Environment Management – Meaning, Need for healthy work environment, measures for providing healthy work, Fatigue at work – Meaning, Causes and Symptoms of Fatigue, Boredom at Workplace – Meaning, Hazards at Workplace – Meaning, Types of Hazards – Physical and Social, Hazard Management – Meaning and Process, Hazard Audit – Concept
e) Accidents and Safety Issues at Workplace – Safety, Safety Culture

Chapter 4 – Workers Participation and Employee Grievance
a) Workers Participation in Management – Concept, Pre-requisites, forms & levels of participation, Benefit of Workers Participation in Management, Importance of employee stock option plans as a method of participation.
b) Employee Grievance – Meaning, Features, Causes and Effects of Employee Grievances, Employee Grievance Handling Procedure,
Effective Ways of Handling Grievance
c) Role of Industrial Relations Manager in Promoting & Establishing Peaceful Employee Relations

SYBMS Sem 3 Organization Behaviour & HRM Subjects

Chapter 1 – Organizational Behaviour-I
a) Introduction to Organizational Behaviour-Concept, definitions, Evolution of OB
b) Importance of Organizational Behaviour-Cross Cultural Dynamics, Creating Ethical Organizational Culture& Climate
c) Individual and Group Behaviour-OB models–Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial & SOBC in context with Indian OB
d) Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour

Chapter 2 – Organizational Behaviour-II
a) Managing Communication: Conflict management techniques.
b) Time management strategies.
c) Learning Organization and Organizational Design
d) Rewards and Punishments-Termination, layoffs, Attrition, Retrenchment, Separations, Downsizing

Chapter 3 – Human Resource Management-I
a) HRM-Meaning, objectives, scope and functions
b) HRP-Definition, objectives, importance, factors affecting HRP, Process of HRP, Strategies of HRM , Global HR Strategies
c) HRD-Concept ,meaning, objectives, HRD functions

Chapter 4 – Human Resource Management-II
a) Performance Appraisal: concept, process, methods and problems, KRA’S
b) Compensation-concept, components of Pay Structure, Wage and salary administration, Incentives and Employee benefits.
c) Career planning-concept of career Planning, Career stages and carrier planning.

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SYBMS HR Subjects
(Semester 4)

SYBMS HR Subjects
(Semester 4)
SYBMS HR Subjects (Semester 4)

List of group of Human Resource Elective Courses(EC) for Semester IV (Any two)

1) Human Resource Planning & Information System
2) Training & Development in HRM
3) Change Management
4) Conflict & Negotiation

SYBMS Sem 4 Human Resource Planning and Information System Subjects

Chapter 1 – Overview of Human Resource Planning (HRP)
a) Overview of Human Resource Planning (HRP):
Human Resource Planning
– Meaning, Features, Scope, Approaches, Levels of HRP, Types, Tools, Activities for HRP, Requirements for Effective HR
Process of HRP- Steps in HRP, HR Demand Forecasting–Factors, Techniques – (Concepts Only) Managerial Judgement, Ratio Trend Analysis, Regression Analysis, Work Study Technique, Delphi Technique. HR Supply Forecasting– Factors, Techniques – (Concepts Only) Skills Inventories, Succession Plans, Replacement Charts, Staffing Tables.

  • Barriers in Effective Implementation of HRP and Ways to Overcome Them.
  • Strategic Human Resource Planning –Meaning and Objectives.
  • Link between Strategic Planning and HRP through Technology.
  • HR Policy –Meaning, Importance.
  • HR Programme-Meaning and Contents.

Chapter 2 – Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection
a) Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection:

  • Job Analysis-Meaning, Features, Advantages.
  • Job Design: Concept, Issues.
  • Job Redesign –Meaning, Process, Benefits.
    Matching Human Resource Requirement and Availability through:
    Retention- Meaning, Strategies, Resourcing- Meaning, Types. Flexibility – Flexible work practices, Downsizing- Meaning, Reasons, Layoff – Meaning, Reasons.
  • Recruitment – Meaning and Factors affecting Recruitment, Ethical Issues in Recruitment and Selection.
  • Employee Selection Tests: Meaning, Advantages and Limitations.
  • Human Resource Audit: Meaning, Need, Objectives, Process, Areas.

Chapter 3 – HRP Practitioner, Aspects of HRP and Evaluation
a) HRP Practitioner, Aspects of HRP and Evaluation:

  • HRP Practitioner: Meaning, Role.
    • HRP Management Process:
      Establish HRP Department Goals and Objectives
      Creating HRP Department Structure
      Staffing the HRP Department
      Issuing Order
      Resolving Conflicts
      Planning for Needed Resources
      Dealing with Power and Politics -Meaning and Types of PowerHRP as Tool to Enhance Organisational Productivity
      Impact of Globalisation on HRP.
  • Aspects of HRP : Performance Management, Career Management, Management Training and Development, Multi Skill Development
    Return on Investment in HRP- Meaning and Importance.
  • HRP Evaluation- Meaning, Need, Process, Issues to be considered
    during HRP Evaluation.
  • Selected Strategic Options and HRP Implications: Restructuring and
    its Impact on HRP, Mergers and Acquisitions and its Impact on HRP,
    Outsourcing and its Impact on HRP.

Chapter 4 – Human Resource Information Systems

  • Human Resource Information Systems:
  • Data Information Needs for HR Manager – Contents and Usage of Data.
  • HRIS-Meaning, Features, Evolution, Objectives, Essentials, Components, Functions, Steps in designing of HRIS, HRIS Subsystems, Mechanisms of HRIS, Benefits, Limitations, Barriers in Effective Implementation of HRIS.
  • Security Issues in Human Resource Information Systems.
  • HRIS for HRP
  • Trends in HRIS

SYBMS Sem 4 Training & Development in HRM Subjects

Chapter 1 – Overview of Training

  • Overview of training– concept, scope, importance, objectives, features, need and assessment of training.
  • Process of Training–Steps in Training, identification of Job Competencies, criteria for identifying Training Needs (Person Analysis, Task Analysis, Organisation Analysis), Types–On the Job &Off the Job Method.
  • Assessment of Training Needs, Methods & Process of Needs Assessment.
  • Criteria & designing-Implementation– an effective training program.

Chapter 2 – Overview of Development

  • Overview of development– concept, scope, importance & need and features,
    Human Performance Improvement
  • Counselling techniques with reference to development employees, society
    and organization.
  • Career development– Career development cycle, model for planned self
    development, succession planning.

Chapter 3 – Concept of Management Development

  • Concept of Management Development.
  • Process of MDP.
  • Programs &methods, importance, evaluating a MDP.

Chapter 4 – Performance measurement, Talent management & Knowledge management

  • Performance measurements– Appraisals, pitfalls &ethics of appraisal.
  • Talent management –Introduction ,Measuring Talent Management, Integration & future of TM, Global TM & knowledge management — OVERVIEW -Introduction: History, Concepts,
  • Knowledge Management: Definitions and the Antecedents of KM Information Management to Knowledge Management ,
    Knowledge Management: What Is and What Is Not?, Three stages of KM, KM Life Cycle

SYBMS Sem 4 Change Management Subjects

1). Introduction to change management

  • Introduction &levels of change. Importance, imperatives of change, Forces of change. Causes-social, economic, technological and organizational.
  • Organizational culture& change.
  • Types & Models of change –Kurt Lewin’s change model, Action research, Expanded Process Model., A.J. Leavitts model.

Chapters 2 – Impact of Change

  • Change & its implementation.– individual change: concept, need, importance & risk of not having individual perspective. Team Change –concept, need, importance & limitation
  • Change & its impact– Resistance to change & sources-sources of individual resistance, sources of organizational resistance

Chapters 3 – Resistance to Change

  • Overcoming Resistance to change – Manifestations of resistance, Six box model
  • Minimizing RTC.
  • OD Interventions to overcome change-meaning and importance, Team intervention, Role analysis Technique, Coaching &mentoring, T-group, Job expectations technique, Behaviour modification, Managing role stress.

Chapters 4 – Effective implementation of change

  • Effective implementation of change–change agents and effective change programs.
  • Systematic approach to change, client & consultant relationship
  • Classic skills for leaders
  • Case study on smart change leaders, caselets on Action research.

SYBMS Sem 4 Conflict & Negotiation Subjects

Chapters 1 – Overview of Conflict

  • Meaning of Conflict, Nature, Transitions in Conflict Thought – Traditional View, Human Relations View, Interactionist View. Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict, Levels of Conflicts, Process of Conflicts.
  • Meaning of Industrial/ Organizational Conflict, Causes, Benefits and Limitations of Conflicts to the Organization.
  • Conflict Outcomes – win-lose, lose-lose, compromise, win-win.
  • Five belief domains of Conflicts – Superiority, Injustice, Vulnerability, Distrust, Helplessness

Chapters 2 – Conflict Management

  • Meaning of Conflict management, Need and Importance of Conflict management, Conflict Resolution Strategies – Competing, Accommodating, Avoiding, Compromising, Collaborative. Strategies for resolving conflicts at – Intra-personal, Inter-personal, Intragroup and Inter group levels.
  • Prevention of Industrial Conflicts – Labour welfare officer, Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies, Standing Orders, Grievance Procedure, Collective Bargaining.
  • Settlement of Conflicts – Investigation, Mediator, Conciliation, Voluntary arbitration, compulsory arbitration, labour courts, industrial tribunals, national tribunals

Chapters 3 – Overview of Negotiation

  • Negotiation – Meaning, Importance of Negotiation, Process, Factors/ Elements affecting negotiation, Challenges for an Effective Negotiation
  • Role of Communication, Personality and Emotions in Negotiation.
  • Distributive and Integrative Negotiation (concepts)
  • Cross-Cultural Negotiation – Meaning, Factors influencing cross-cultural
    negotiations, Ways to resolve Cross Cultural negotiation.
  • Types of Negotiations in Corporates/ Work Place – Day to Day, Employer – Employee, Negotiation between Colleagues, Commercial Negotiation, Legal Negotiations
  • International Negotiations – Meaning, Factors affecting negotiation

Chapters 4 – Managing Negotiations, Ethics in Negotiation and 3D Negotiation

a) Third Party Negotiation

  1. Mediation – Meaning, Role of Mediator
  2. Arbitration – Meaning, Role of Arbitrator
  3. Conciliation – Meaning, Role of Conciliator
  4. Consultation – Meaning, Role of Consultant
  • Skills for Effective Negotiation
  • Negotiation as an Approach to Manage Conflicts.
  • Ethics in Negotiation – Meaning, Need, Ethically Ambiguous Negotiation
  • Culture and Negotiation – Meaning, Influence of culture on negotiations
  • 3D Negotiation – Meaning, The 3 Dimensions for successful negotiations

SYBMS Syllabus Pdf

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