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SYBMS Subjects – Semester 3 & 4 | Mumbai University

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SYBMS Subjects Semester 3
SYBMS Subjects Semester 3

The three-year Bachelor of Management and Studies degree programme teaches applicants the fundamentals of accounting, commerce, management, and other related subjects.

In the first Year Bachelor of Management and Studies it consist a total of 7 subjects, Second Year Bachelor of Management and Studies , have a total of 7 subjects and Third Year Bachelor of Management and Studies have a total of 6 subjects.

To get the list of SYBMS subjects and syllabus, read the entire article.

Table of Contents

SYBMS Subjects
(Semester 3)

(SYBMS means Second Year Bachelor of Management and Studies)

Following are the list of SYBMS Subjects Semester 3:

1) Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Management
2) Strategic Management
3) Accounting For Managerial Decisions

4) Information Technology in Business Management – I
5) Foundation Course – III

SYBMS Syllabus of Compulsory Subjects – Click here

List of group of Finance Elective Courses(EC) for Semester III (Any two)

1) Introduction to Cost Accounting
2) Basics of Financial Services
3) Equity and Debt Market
4) Corporate Finance

SYBMS Finance Subjects & Syllabus Click here

List of group of Marketing Courses(EC) for Semester III (Any two)

1) Consumer Behaviour
2) Advertising
3) Product Innovations Management
4) Social Marketing

SYBMS Marketing Subjects & Syllabus Click here

List of group of Human Resource Elective Courses(EC) for Semester III (Any two)

1) Recruitment & Selection
2) Motivation and Leadership
3) Employees Relations & Welfare
4) Organization Behaviour & HRM

SYBMS HR Subjects & Syllabus Click here

SYBMS Subjects
Semester 3 (Chapters)

SYBMS Sem 3 Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development
Chapter 2 – Types and Classification of Entrepreneurs
Chapter 3 – Entrepreneur Project Development & Business Plan
Chapter 4 – Venture Development

SYBMS Sem 3 Strategic Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Strategy Formulation
Chapter 3 – Strategic Implementation
Chapter 4 – Strategic Evaluation & Control

SYBMS Sem 3 Accounting For Managerial Decisions Chapters

Chapter 1 – Analysis and Interpretation of Financial statements :
Chapter 2 – Ratio Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 3 – Cash Flow Statement
Chapter 4 – Working Capital

SYBMS Sem 3 Information Technology in Business Management – I Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to IT Support in Management
Chapter 2 – Office Automation using MS Office
Chapter 3 – Email, Internet and its Applications
Chapter 4 – E-Security Systems

SYBMS Sem 3 Introduction to Cost Accounting Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Elements of Cost
Chapter 3 – Cost Projection
Chapter 4 – Emerging Cost Concepts

SYBMS Sem 3 Basics of Financial Services Chapters

Chapter 1 – Financial System
Chapter 2 – Commercial Banks, RBI And Development Banks
Chapter 3 – Insurance
Chapter 4 – Mutual Funds

SYBMS Sem 3 Equity and Debt Market Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Financial Market
Chapter 2 – Dynamics of Equity Market
Chapter 3 – Players in Debt Markets
Chapter 4 – Valuation of Equity & Bonds

SYBMS Sem 3 Environmental Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Environmental Concepts
Chapter 2 – Environment Degradation
Chapter 3 – Sustainability and Role of Business
Chapter 4 – Innovations in Business – An Environmental Perspective

SYBMS Sem 3 Consumer Behaviour Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction To Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 2 – Individual – Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 3 – Environmental Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
Chapter 4 – Consumer Decision Making Models and New Trends

SYBMS Sem 3 Advertising Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Advertising
Chapter 2 – Strategy and Planning Process in Advertising
Chapter 3 – Creativity in Advertising
Chapter 4 – Budget, Evaluation, Current Trends and Careers in Advertising

SYBMS Sem 3 Corporate Finance Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Capital Structure and Leverage
Chapter 3 – Time Value of Money
Chapter 4 – Mobilization of Funds

SYBMS Sem 3 Product Innovations Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Innovations Management
Chapter 2 – Managerial Aspects of Innovations functions
Chapter 3 – Product innovations, Process Innovations and Innovations Diffusion
Chapter 4 – New Product Development Strategy

SYBMS Sem 3 Social Marketing Chapters

Chapter 1- Introduction to Social Marketing & Its Environment
Chapter 2 – Social Marketing Plan, STP and Marketing Mix
Chapter 3 – Managing Behaviour for Social Change & NPO & CSR
Chapter 4 – Social marketing – A Sectoral Overview & Careers

SYBMS Sem 3 Recruitment & Selection Chapters

Chapter 1 – Recruitment
Chapter 2 – Selection
Chapter 3 – Induction
Chapter 4 – Soft Skills

SYBMS Sem 3 Motivation and Leadership Chapters

Chapter 1 – Motivation – I
Chapter 2 – Motivation – II
Chapter 3 – Leadership – I
Chapter 4 – Leadership – II

SYBMS Sem 3 Employees Relations & Welfare Chapters

Chapter 1 – Overview of Employee Relations and Collective Bargaining
Chapter 2 – Overview of Employee Welfare
Chapter 3 – Welfare and Work Environment Management
Chapter 4 – Workers Participation and Employee Grievance

SYBMS Sem 3 Organization Behaviour & HRM Chapters

Chapter 1 – Organizational Behaviour I
Chapter 2 – Organizational Behaviour II
Chapter 3 – Human Resource Management-I
Chapter 4 – Human Resource Management-II

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SYBMS Subjects
(Semester 4)

SYBMS Subjects Semester 4
SYBMS Subjects Semester 4

Following are the list of SYBMS Subjects Semester 4 :

1) Business Research Methods
2) Economics – II
3) Information Technology in Business Management – II

4) Production & Total Quality Management
5) Foundation Course -IV

SYBMS Syllabus of Compulsory Subjects – Click here

List of group of Finance Elective Courses(EC) for Semester IV (Any two)

1) Financial Institutions and Markets
2) Auditing
3) Strategic Cost Management
4) Corporate Restructuring

SYBMS Finance Subjects & Syllabus Click here

List of group of Marketing Elective Courses(EC) for Semester IV (Any two)

1) Integrated Marketing Communication
2) Rural Marketing
3) Event Marketing
4) Tourism Marketing

SYBMS Marketing Subjects & Syllabus Click here

List of group of Human Resource Elective Courses(EC) for Semester IV (Any two)

1) Human Resource Planning & Information System
2) Training & Development in HRM
3) Change Management
4) Conflict & Negotiation

SYBMS HR Subjects & Syllabus Click here

SYBMS Subjects
Semester 4 (Chapters)

SYBMS Sem 4 Business Research Methods Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Business Research Methods
Chapter 2 – Data Collection and Processing
Chapter 3 – Data Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 4 – Advanced Techniques in Report Writing

SYBMS Sem 4 Economics – II Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Macroeconomic Data and Theory
Chapter 2 – Money, Inflation and Monetary Policy
Chapter 3 – Constituents of Fiscal Policy
Chapter 4 – Open Economy – Theory and Issues of International Trade

SYBMS Sem 4 Information Technology in Business Management – II Chapters

Chapter 1 – Management Information System
Chapter 2 – ERP/E-SCM/E-CRM
Chapter 3 – Introduction to Data Base and Data Warehouse
Chapter 4 – Outsourcing

SYBMS Sem 4 Production & Total Quality Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Production Management
Chapter 2 – Materials Management
Chapter 3 – Basics Of Productivity & TQM
Chapter 4 – Quality Improvement Strategies & Certifications

SYBMS Sem 4 Foundation Course –IV Ethics & Governance Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Ethics and Business Ethics
Chapter 2 – Ethics in Marketing, Finance and HRM
Chapter 3 – Corporate Governance
Chapter 4 – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

SYBMS Sem 4 Financial Institutions and Markets Chapters

Chapter 1 – Financial System in India
Chapter 2 – Financial Regulators & Institutions in India (detail discussion on their role and functions)
Chapter 3 – Financial Markets (In Details)
Chapter 4 – Managing Financial Systems Design

SYBMS Sem 4 Auditing Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Auditing
Chapter 2 – Audit Planning, Procedures and Documentation
Chapter 3 – Auditing Techniques and Internal Audit Introduction
Chapter 4 – Auditing Techniques – Vouching & Verification

SYBMS Sem 4 Strategic Cost Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Strategic Cost Management(Only Theory)
Chapter 2 – Activity Based Costing
Chapter 3 – Strategic Cost Management performance assessment (Only theory )
Chapter 4 – Variance Analysis & Responsibility Accounting (Practical Problems)

SYBMS Sem 4 Corporate Restructuring Chapters

Chapter 1 Corporate Restructuring – Introduction and Concepts
Chapter 2 Accounting of Internal Reconstruction
Chapter 3 Accounting of External Reconstruction (Amalgamation/ Mergers/ Takeovers and Absorption)
Chapter 4 Impact of Reorganization on the Company

SYBMS Sem 4 Integrated Marketing Communication Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication
Chapter 2 – Elements of IMC – I
Chapter 3 – Elements of IMC – II
Chapter 4 – Evaluation & Ethics in Marketing Communication

SYBMS Sem 4 Rural Marketing Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Rural Market
Chapter 3 – Rural Marketing Mix
Chapter 4 – Rural Marketing Strategies

SYBMS Sem 4 Event Marketing Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Events
Chapter 2 – Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning of Events and Concept of Product in Events
Chapter 3 – Concept of Pricing and Promotion in Events
Chapter 4 – Trends and Challenges in Event Marketing

SYBMS Sem 4 Tourism Marketing Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Tourism Marketing
Chapter 2 – Tourism Market Segmentation & Product Mix of Tourism Marketing
Chapter 3 – Concept of Pricing, Place, Promotion and Expanded marketing mix for tourism marketing
Chapter 4 – Global tourism, tourism organizations and Challenges for Indian Tourism Industry

SYBMS Sem 4 Human Resource Planning and Information System Chapters

Chapter 1 – Overview of Human Resource Planning (HRP)
Chapter 2 – Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection
Chapter 3 – HRP Practitioner, Aspects of HRP and Evaluation
Chapter 4 – Human Resource Information Systems

SYBMS Sem 4 Training & Development in HRM Chapters

Chapter 1 – Overview of Training
Chapter 2 – Overview of development
Chapter 3 – Concept of Management development
Chapter 4 – Performance measurement, Talent management & Knowledge management

SYBMS Sem 4 Change Management Chapters

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Impact of Change
Chapter 3 – Resistance to Change
Chapter 4 – Effective Implementation of Change

SYBMS Sem 4 Conflict & Negotiation Chapters

Chapter 1 – Overview of Conflict
Chapter 2 Conflict Management
Chapter 3 Overview of Negotiation
Chapter 4 Managing Negotiations, Ethics in Negotiation and 3D Negotiation

SYBMS Syllabus Pdf

Tips to score good marks in SYBMS Exam

  1. Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying: begin early. You’ll have more time to learn the topic and solve questions, the earlier you start.
  2. Remain arranged: Plan a study schedule and stick to it. Take time to rest and refresh during breaks.
  3. Regularly review your notes: Regularly reviewing back your notes will help you keep the content in your memory.
  4. Practice, practice, practice: By working through sample problems and completing sample tests, you can identify your areas of weakness and become familiar with the exam’s format.
  5. Ask for assistance if you need it: If you’re having trouble with the subject, don’t be shy to ask for assistance. You can seek advice from your teacher, a classmate, or a tutor.
  6. Get a good night’s sleep: The night before the exam, be sure to get lots of rest. A mind that has got enough sleep is better prepared to memorize and recall information.
  7. Arrive early on exam day: Arrive early on the day of the exam to give yourself time to settle your worries and mentally prepare.
  8. Stay focused during the exam: Avoid being distracted during the exam by remaining focused. Take a deep breath and return your attention to the activity at hand if you realize that your mind is roaming.
  9. Don’t waste too much time on any one question: keep an eye on the time. If you start to struggle, leave it and return to it later.
  10. Review your exam after you’re done: After you’re finished, review your paper for a while. By doing this, you’ll be able to correct any mistakes you may have made and provide any answers you’re not sure about.