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TYBCOM Sem 6 Computer Question Paper April 2024
TYBCOM Sem 6 Computer Question Paper April 2024

TYBCOM Sem 6 Computer Question Paper April 2024

Duration: 2 ½ Hours
Max Marks: 75
Note: All questions are compulsory

Q.1 A) Attempt any Two sub (questions from a), b) & c) in MS Excel (True or False) :

a. A name range uses absolute references
b. Data can be Stored in only one column
c. NOW () function returns only the current system time.

B) Attempt any Two sub questlons from d), e) and f) in Visual Basic (Multiple Choice)

d) In VB Project, the form design is carried out in the ________ window.

  1. Properties
  2. Tool Box
  3. Project Explorer
  4. Form

e) Visual Basic Code is is written in ________

  1. Sub procedure
  2. Functions
  3. Form
  4. Rotines

f) A control named ‘emdExit” is most likely a ________.

  1. Command Button
  2. Label
  3. Form
  4. Image

Q.1 C) Attempt any Six sub questions from g),h),i),j),k),l) m),n), and o) in E-Commerce (True or False)

  1. Ubiquity is a feature of E- Commerce
  2. Smart Card cannot be used in E- Commerce
  3. E-tailers are not direct sellers
  4. is an example of both B2B & C2C
  5. EDI is paperless transfer of data
  6. Private Key encryption requires two keys
  7. E-Commerce is available 24X7
  8. Smart Card cannot be used in E- Commerce
  9. An SSL does not provide confidentiality.
  10. Conversion of data in to code is called Hacking.

Q.1 D) Attempt any Five sub questions from p),q),r),s),f),u),v), and w) in E-Commerce (Multiple Choice) :

p) P2P in E-Commerce refers to

a) Public to Public
b) PeertoPeer
c) PublictoPeer
d) Publicto Private

q) What type of technology scrambles the contents of files sent via internet

a) Encryption
b) Digital Signature
c) SSL

r) Criminally acquiring password is called ________
a) Encryptions
b) Decryptions
c) Hacking
d) Fuewall

s) Commercial transaction done with the help of cell phone is called _____
a) E-Commerce
b) M-Commerce
c) E-Business

t) A computer to computer exchange of business transaction is called ________
a) E-Business
b) Super Market
c) EDI
d) E-Market

u) In Commerce the consumer deals with each other
a) C2C
b) B2C
¢) B2B
d) pap

v) Thc full form of WAP in E-Commerce is Wireless Protocol
a) Travel
b) Topology
c) Transmit

w) is a –
a) Portal
b) Protocol
c) Email
d) Search Engine

Q.2 A) Attempt any one sub questions from a) & b) in E-Commerce

a) What are the Business Models in E- Commerce?
b) Write briefly the Digital Signature in E= Commerce

B) Attempt any one sub questions from c) & d) in E-Commerce

c) Explain features of E-Commerce ’
d) Discuss E-Commerce Security .

Q.3 A) Answer any one sub question from a) and b) in MS-Excel

a) Answer the following using give spreadsheet

3Mahmood Sales18500

Write the steps Total Marks

  1. To display only those rows where Bonus is below 20000
  2. To display only those rows where Bonus is 20000 or more but less than 30000
  3. To display all the rows where Name does not contains “A” ‘

b Answer the following using give spreadsheet.

2Machinery 60000
5Office Equipment6000
9Total 123000

Prepare Scenario where thiere is an increase as follows
1) Machinery increases to 80000,carriage increases to 9000 and postage increases to
2) Carriage increases to 10000,0ffice equipment increase to 7000 and postage increase 109000

Q.3 B) Answer any one sub question from c) and d) in MS- EXCEL

c) Answer the following using the given spreadsheet.

1NameTaxable IncomeIncome Tax

Write the steps to compute Income Taxusing the following rate

Taxable IncomeIncome Tax
First 250000 NILNIL
Next 100000 T 12%,12%

d) Answer the following using spreadsheet.

1NameTaxable IncomeIncome TaxSurchargeTotal Tax

Write the steps to obtain the
1) income tax in columns C
2) Surcharge in columns D and a
3) Total tax in column E.?Wliere income tax is calculated as follows.
Taxable Income ~ Income Tax . –

  • First 300000 – Nil
  • Next 20000 210%
    Surcharge is calculated @i% of the ijfébme tax and is applicable only to
    those whose incomes exceed 500000 otherwise it is zero.

Q.4 A) Answer any one sub question from a) and b) in MS- EXCEL
a) The following data is entered in a Workshop regarding Expenses (in Rs) during Januar February and March

1Item JanFebMarch
4House Rent1000080009000

Write the steps
i)To find the total Expenses in cach month in [hé cells B6,C6 and D6
ii)To create 3-D Bar chart for the expenses of January, February and March
iii)To creale Pie chart for the month of February.
iv)To create Line chart for the month of January and February.

b) The following data has been entered in-a worksheet.

1Name Sales AmountDiscountNet Price

Write the steps to
1) Calculate Discount in column C using the following discount policy

Sales Amount Rate of Discount
First 250006%
Next 25009%

2) Calculate Net-Price in column D
( Net Price.= Sales Amount- Discount)

Q.4 B) Answer any one-sub question from c) and d) in MS- EXCEL
c) The following data has been entered in a worksheet

1Roll NoNameTest1Test2Test3

Write steps to –
i) Compute the total marks in column F
ii) Find result in Column G where result is PASSED when total marks are 120 or more otherwise result is FAIL less than ‘40,000.
iii) Find number of students whose total marks are above 150 in H2

d) Explain the following functions in MS-EXCEL.
1) Fixed) – 2) Weekday() 3) Today() 4) Correl()
(5) Large() 6) Lower() 7) CountA()

Q.5 A) Answer any one sub question from a) and b) in Visual Basic

a) Write a project in VB to design a suitable form which allows the user to enter two
numbers and display their Sum.
b) Writea project in VB to design a suitable form which allows the user to enter Salar Culculnlé and display the DA which is 70% Salary6

Q.5 B) Answer any one sub question from c) and d) in Visual Basic

c) Wrilte a project in VB to design a suitable form which allows the user to enter an 1 10 and calculate and display the factorial of the integer 10 ( Factorial
=] $2¥3cn. *10)
d) Wrile a project in VB to compute and display the sum of odd number

TYBCOM Sem 6 Computer Question Paper April 2024 Pdf

TYBCOM Sem 6 Question Papers April 2024

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Tips to score good marks in TYBCOM Exam

  1. Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying: begin early. You’ll have more time to learn the topic and solve questions, the earlier you start.
  2. Remain arranged: Plan a study schedule and stick to it. Take time to rest and refresh during breaks.
  3. Regularly review your notes: Regularly reviewing back your notes will help you keep the content in your memory.
  4. Practice, practice, practice: By working through sample problems and completing sample tests, you can identify your areas of weakness and become familiar with the exam’s format.
  5. Ask for assistance if you need it: If you’re having trouble with the subject, don’t be shy to ask for assistance. You can seek advice from your teacher, a classmate, or a tutor.
  6. Get a good night’s sleep: The night before the exam, be sure to get lots of rest. A mind that has got enough sleep is better prepared to memorize and recall information.
  7. Arrive early on exam day: Arrive early on the day of the exam to give yourself time to settle your worries and mentally prepare.
  8. Stay focused during the exam: Avoid being distracted during the exam by remaining focused. Take a deep breath and return your attention to the activity at hand if you realize that your mind is roaming.
  9. Don’t waste too much time on any one question: keep an eye on the time. If you start to struggle, leave it and return to it later.
  10. Review your exam after you’re done: After you’re finished, review your paper for a while. By doing this, you’ll be able to correct any mistakes you may have made and provide any answers you’re not sure about.

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