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SYBMS Syllabus – Semester 3 & 4 – Mumbai University

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SYBMS Syllabus (Semester 3 )
SYBMS Syllabus (Semester 3 )

SYBMS Syllabus
(Semester 3)

(SYBMS means Second Year Bachelor of Management Studies )

Following are the list of SYBMS Syllabus (Chapters) :

1) Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Management
2) Strategic Management
3) Accounting For Managerial Decisions

4) Information Technology in Business Management – I
5) Foundation Course – III

Business Planning and Entrepreneurial Management

a) Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development : Concept and Need of Entrepreneurship Development
Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship,
Importance and significance of growth of entrepreneurial activities
Characteristics and qualities of entrepreneur

b) Theories of Entrepreneurship :
Innovation Theory by Schumpeter & Imitating
Theory of High Achievement by McClelland
X – Efficiency Theory by Leibenstein
Theory of Profit by Knight
Theory of Social change by Everett Hagen

c) External Influences on Entrepreneurship Development : Socio-Cultural, Political, Economical, Personal.
Role of Entrepreneurial Culture in Entrepreneurship Development.

a) Intrapreneur – Concept and Development of Intrapreneurship
b) Women Entrepreneur – concept, development and problems faced by Women Entrepreneurs, Development of Women Entrepreneurs with reference to Self Help Group

c) Social entrepreneurship – concept, development of Social entrepreneurship in India. Importance and Social responsibility of NGO’s.
d) Entrepreneurial development Program (EDP) – concept, factor influencing EDP. Option available to Entrepreneur. (Ancillarisation, BPO, Franchise, M&A)

a) Innovation, Invention, Creativity, Business Idea, Opportunities through change
b) Idea generation – Sources – Development of product /idea
c) Environmental scanning and SWOT analysis

d) Creating Entrepreneurial Venture – Entrepreneurship Development Cycle
e) Business Planning Process – The business plan as an Entrepreneurial tool, scope and value of Business plan

f) Elements of Business Plan, Objectives, Market and Feasibility Analysis, Marketing, Finance, Organization &Management, Ownership
g) Critical Risk Contingencies of the proposal, Scheduling and milestones

a) Steps involved in starting of Venture
b) Institutional support to an Entrepreneur

c) Venture funding, requirements of Capital (Fixed and working) Sources of finance, problem of Venture set-up and prospects
d) Marketing : Methods, Channel of Marketing, Marketing Institutions and Assistance
e) New trends in entrepreneurship

Strategic Management

a) Business Policy – Meaning, Nature, Importance
b) l Strategy – Meaning, Definition
c) Strategic Management – Meaning, Definition, Importance, Strategic Management
d) Process & Levels of Strategy and Concept and importance of Strategic Business Units (SBU’s)
e) Strategic Intent – Mission, Vision, Goals, Objective, Plans

a) Environment Analysis and Scanning (SWOT)
b) Corporate Level Strategy (Stability, Growth, Retrenchment, Integration and Internationalization)
c) Business Level Strategy (Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus)
d) Functional Level Strategy (R&D, HR, Finance, Marketing, Production)

a) Models of Strategy making
b) Strategic Analysis & Choices & Implementation : BCG Matrix, GE 9 Cell, Porter 5 Forces, 7S Frame Work
c) Implementation: Meaning, Steps and implementation at Project, Process, Structural, Behavioural, Functional level

a) Strategic Evaluation & Control – Meaning, Steps of Evaluation & Techniques of Control
b) Synergy : Concept, Types, evaluation of Synergy. Synergy as a Component ofStrategy & its Relevance.
c) Change Management – Elementary Concept

Accounting For Managerial Decisions

a) Study of balance sheet of limited companies. Study of Manufacturing , Trading, Profit and Loss A/c of Limited Companies
b) Vertical Form of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c – Trend Analysis, Comparative Statement & Common Size

(based on vertical form of financial statements) including conventional and functional classification restricted to:
a) Balance Sheet Ratios – Current Ratio, Liquid Ratio, Stock Working Capital Ratio, Proprietory Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio, Capital Gearing Ratio
b) Revenue Statement Ratios – Gross Profit Ratio, Expenses Ratio, Operating Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Net Operating Profit Ratio, Stock Turnover Ratio, Debtors Turnover, Creditors Turnover Ratio

c) Combined Ratios – Return on Capital Employed (including Long term borrowings), Return on Proprietors fund (Share holder fund and Preference Capital), Return on Equity Capital, Dividend Payout Ratio, Debt Service Ratio
d) Different modes of expressing ratios – Rate, Ratio, Percentage, Number. Limitations of the use of Ratios.

Preparation of Cash Flow Statement (Accounting Standard-3 (revised))

a) Working Capital :
Concept, Estimation of requirements in case of Trading & Manufacturing Organizations
b) Receivables Management :
Meaning & Importance, Credit Policy Variables, methods of Credit Evaluation (Traditional and Numerical – Credit Scoring); Monitoring the Debtors Techniques [DSO, Ageing Schedule]

Information Technology in Business Management – I

a) Information Technology Concepts
Concept of Data, Information and Knowledge
Concept of Database

b) Introduction to Information Systems and its major components.
Types and Levels of Information Systems
Main types of IT Support Systems
Computer based Information Systems (CBIS)
i) Types of CBIS – brief descriptions and their interrelationships/hierarchies
ii) Office Automation System (OAS)
iii) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
iv) Management Information System (MIS)
v) Decision Support Systems (DSS)
vi) Executive Information System (EIS)
vii) Knowledge based System, Expert System

c) Success and Failure of Information Technology
Failures of Nike and AT&T
d) IT Development Trends
Major areas of IT Applications in Management
e) Concept of Digital Economy and Digital Organization
f) IT Resources
Open Source Software – Concept and Applications. Study of Different Operating Systems. (Windows / Linux/ DOS)

a) Learn Word :
Creating/Saving of Document
Editing and Formatting Features
Designing a title page, Preparing Index,
Use of Smart Art
Cross Reference, Bookmark and Hyperlink.
Mail Merge Feature

b) Spreadsheet Application (e.g. MS-Excel/
Creating/Saving and editing spreadsheets
Drawing charts.
Using Basic Functions: text, math & trig, statistical, date & time, database, financial, logical
Using Advanced Functions : Use of VLookup/HLookupData analysis – sorting data, filtering data (AutoFilter, Advanced Filter), data validation, what-if analysis (using data tables/scenarios), creating sub-totals and grand totals, pivot table/chart, goal seek/solver

c) Presentation Software
Creating a presentation with minimum 20 slides with a script.
Presenting in different views,
Inserting Pictures, Videos, Creating animation effects on them
Slide Transitions, Timed Presentations
Rehearsal of presentation

a) Introduction to Email
Writing professional emails
Creating digitally signed documents

b) Use of Outlook :
Configuring Outlook, Creating and Managing profile in outlook, Sending and Receiving Emails through outlook Emailing the merged documents.
Introduction to Bulk Email software

c) Internet
Understanding Internet Technology
Concepts of Internet, Intranet, Extranet
Networking Basics, Different types of networks.
Concepts (Hubs, Bridges, Routers, IP addresses)
Study of LAN, MAN, WAN

d) DNS Basics
Domain Name Registration, Hosting Basics

e) Emergence of E-commerce and M-Commerce
Concept of E-commerce and M-Commerce
Definition of E-commerce and M-Commerce
Business models of e-commerce : models based on transaction party (B2B, B2C,B2G, C2B, C2C, E-Governance)
Models based on revenue models, Electronics Funds Transfer, Electronic Data Interchange.

a) Threats to Computer Systems and Control Measures
Types of threats – Virus, hacking, phishing, spyware, spam, physical threats (fire, flood, earthquake, vandalism)
Threat Management
b) IT Risk
Definition, Measuring IT Risk, Risk Mitigation and Management
c) Information Systems Security

d) Security on the internet
Network and website security risks
Website Hacking and Issues therein
Security and Email
e) E-Business Risk Management Issues
Firewall concept and component, Benefits of Firewall

f) Understanding and defining Enterprise wide security framework
g) Information Security Environment in India with respect to Real Time Application in Business
Types of Real Time Systems, Distinction between Real Time, On – line and Batch Processing System. Real Time Applications viz. Railway / Airway / Hotel Reservation System, ATMs, EDI Transactions – definition, advantages, examples; E-Cash, Security requirements for Safe E-Payments
Security measures in International and Cross Border financial transactions
h) Threat Hunting Software

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SYBMS Syllabus
(Semester 4)

SYBMS Syllabus (Semester 4 )
SYBMS Syllabus (Semester 4 )

Following are the list of SYBMS Syllabus Semester 4 (Chapters) :

1) Business Research Methods
2) Economics – II
3) Information Technology in Business Management – II
4) Production & Total Quality Management
5) Foundation Course

Business Research Methods

1) Meaning and Objectives of Research
2) Types of Research – (a) Pure, Basic and Fundamental (b) Applied (c) Empirical (d) Scientific & Social (e) Historical (f) Exploratory (g) Descriptive (h) Causal
3) Concepts in Research: Variables, Qualitative and Quantitative Research
4) Stages in Research Process
5) Characteristics of Good Research

6) Hypothesis – Meaning, Nature, Significance, Types of Hypothesis, Sources
7) Research Design – Meaning, Definition, Need and Importance, Steps in Research Design, Essentials of a Good Research Design, Areas/Scope of Research Design and Types – Descriptive, Exploratory and Causal
8) Sampling – (a) Meaning of Sample and Sampling, (b) Methods of Sampling – (i) Non Probability Sampling – Convenient, Judgement, Quota, Snow ball (ii) Probability – Simple Random, Stratified, Cluster, Multi Stage.

1) Types of Data and Sources – Primary and Secondary Data Sources

2) Methods of collection of primary data
a) Observation – (i) structured and unstructured, (ii) disguised and undisguised, (iii) mechanical observations (use of gadgets)
b) Experimental – (i) Field, (ii) Laboratory

c) Interview – (i) Personal Interview, (ii) focused group, (iii) in-depth interviews – Method
d) Survey – Telephonic survey, Mail, E-mail, Internet survey, Social Media, and Media Listening

e) Survey Instrument – (i) Questionnaire designing, (ii) Types of questions – (a) structured/ close ended and (b) unstructured/ open ended, (c) Dicotomous, (d) Multiple Choice Questions
f) Scaling techniques – (i) Likert scale, (ii) Semantic Differential scale

a) Processing of data – i) Editing – field and office editing, ii) coding – meaning and essentials, iii) tabulation – note
b) Analysis of data- Meaning, Purpose, types.

c) Interpretation of data- Essentials, importance and Significance of processing data
d) Multivariate analysis – concept only

e) Testing of hypothesis – concept and problems – i) chi square test, ii) Z and t-test (for large and small sample)

a) Report Writing – (i) Meaning, Importance, Functions of Reports, Essential of a Good Report, Content of Report, Steps in writing a Report, Types of Reports, Footnotes and Bibliography

b) Ethics and Research
c) Objectivity, Confidentiality and Anonymity in Research
d) Plagiarism

Economics – II

a) Macroeconomics : Meaning, Scope and Importance
b) Circular Flow of Aggregate Income and Expenditure : Closed and Open Economy Models

c) The Measurement of National Product : Meaning and Importance – Conventional and Green GNP and NNP Concepts – Relationship Between National Income and Economic Welfare

d) Short run Economic Fluctuations : Features and Phases of Trade Cycles
e) The Keynesian Principle of Effective Demand : Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply – Consumption Function – Investment Function – Effects of Investment Multiplier on Changes in Income and Output

a) Money Supply : Determinants of Money Supply – Factor influencing Velocity of Circulation of Money
b) Demand For Money : Classical and Keynesian Approaches and Keynes’ Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest

c) Money and Prices : Quantity Theory of Money – Fisher’s Equation of Exchange – Cambridge Cash Balance Approach

d) Inflation : Demand Pull Inflation and Cost Push Inflation – Effects of Inflation – Nature of Inflation in a Developing Economy
e) Monetary Policy : Meaning, Objectives and Instruments, Inflation Targeting

a) Role of Government to provide Public Goods – Principles of Sound and Functional Finance
b) Fiscal Policy : Meaning, Objectives – Contra Cyclical Fiscal Policy and Discretionary Fiscal Policy

c) Instruments of Fiscal Policy : Canons of Taxation – Factors Influencing Incidence of Taxation – Effects of Taxation – Significance of Public Expenditure – Social Security Contributions – Low Income Support and Social Insurance Programmes – Public Debt – Types, Public Debt and Fiscal Solvency, Burden of Debt Finance

d) Union Budget : Structure – Deficit Concepts – Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act

a) The Basis of International Trade : Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage – The Hecksher-Ohlin Theory of Factor Endowments – Terms of Trade – Meaning and Types – Factors Determining Terms of Trade – Gains from Trade – Free Trade versus Protection

b) Foreign Investment : Foreign Portfolio Investment – Benefits of Portfolio Capital Flows – Foreign Direct Investment – Merits of Foreign Direct Investment – Role of Multinational Corporations

c) Balance of Payments : Structure – Types of Disequilibrium – Measures to Correct Disequilibrium in BOP

d) Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Market : Spot and Forward Rate of Exchange – Hedging, Speculation and Arbitrage – Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates – Managed Flexibility

Information Technology in Business Management – II

a) Overview of MIS
Definition, Characteristics
b) Subsystems of MIS (Activity and Functional subsystems)
c) Structure of MIS
d) Reasons for failure of MIS

e) Understanding Major Functional Systems
Marketing & Sales Systems
Finance & Accounting Systems
Manufacturing & Production Systems
Human Resource Systems
Inventory Systems

f) Sub systems, description and organizational levels
g) Decision support system
Relationship with MIS
i) Evolution of DSS, Characteristics, classification, objectives, components, applications of DSS

a) Concepts of ERP
b) Architecture of ERP
Generic modules of ERP
c) Applications of ERP
d) ERP Implementation Concepts
ERP lifecycle

e) Concept of XRP (extended ERP)
f) Features of Commercial ERP Software
Study of SAP, Oracle Apps, MS Dynamics NAV, Peoplesoft
g) Concept of e-CRM
E-CRM Solutions and its advantages, How technology helps?

h) CRM Capabilities and Customer Life Cycle
Privacy Issues and CRM
i) Data Mining and CRM
CRM and workflow Automation

j) Concept of E-SCM
Strategic advantages, benefits
E-SCM Components and Chain Architecture
k) Major Trends in e-SCM
l) Case Studies ERP/SCM/CRM

a) Introduction to DBMS
Meaning of DBMS, Need for using DBMS. Concepts of tables, records, attributes, keys, integrity constraints, schema architecture, data independence.

b) Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Concepts of Data Warehousing
Importance of data warehouse for an organization
Characteristics of Data Warehouse
Functions of Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Architecture
Business use of data warehouse
Standard Reports and Queries

c) Data Mining
The scope and the techniques used
d) Business Applications of Data Warehousing and Data Mining

a) Introduction to Outsourcing
Meaning of Outsourcing
Need for outsourcing
Scope of Outsourcing
Outsourcing : IT and Business Processes

b) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
c) BPO Vendors
How does BPO Work?
BPO Service Scope
Benefits of BPO
BPO and IT Services
Project Management approach in BPO
BPO and IT-enabled Services

d) BPO Business Model
Strategy for Business Process Outsourcing
Process of BPO

e) BPO to KPO
Meaning of KPO
KPO : Opportunity and Scope
KPO Challenges
KPO Indian Scenario

f) Outsourcing in Cloud Environment
Cloud Computing Offerings
g) Traditional Outsourcing Vs. Cloud Computing

Production & Total Quality Management

a) Production Management Objectives, Components–Manufacturing systems: Intermittent and Continuous Production Systems.
b) Product Development, Classification and Product Design.
c) Plant location &Plant layout– Objectives, Principles of good product layout, types of layout.
d) Importance of purchase management.

a) Materials Management: Concept, Objectives and importance of materials management Various types of Material Handling Systems.

b) Inventory Management: Importance–Inventory Control Techniques ABC, VED, FSN, GOLF, XYZ, SOS, HML. EOQ: Assumptions limitations &advantages of Economic Order Quantity, Simple numerical on EOQ , Lead Time, Reorder Level, Safety Stock.

a) Basics Of Productivity &TQM:
Concepts of Productivity, modes of calculating productivity. Importance Of Quality Management, factors affecting quality; TQM– concept and importance, Cost of Quality, Philosophies and Approaches To Quality: Edward Deming, J. Juran , Kaizen , P. Crosby’s philosophy.

b) Product & Service Quality Dimensions, SERVQUAL
Characteristics of Quality, Quality Assurance, Quality Circle : Objectives Of Quality Circles, Ishikawa Fish Bone, Applications in Organizations. Simple numerical on productivity

a) Quality Improvement Strategies &Certifications:
Lean Thinking, Kepner Tregor Methodology of problem solving, Sigma features, Enablers, Goals, DMAIC/DMADV.
TAGUCHI’S QUALITYENGINEERING,ISO 9000,ISO 1400, QS9000. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award(MBNQA), Deming’s Application Prize.

Foundation Course –IV

a) Ethics: Concept of Ethics, Evolution of Ethics, Nature of Ethics- Personal, Professional, Managerial
Importance of Ethics, Objectives, Scope, Types – Transactional, Participatory and Recognition

b) Business Ethics: Meaning, Objectives, Purpose and Scope of Business Ethics Towards Society and Stakeholders, Role of Government in Ensuring Business Ethics Principles of Business Ethics, 3 Cs of Business Ethics – Compliance, Contribution and Consequences Myths about Business Ethics Ethical Performance in Businesses in India

a) Ethics in Marketing: Ethical issues in Marketing Mix, Unethical Marketing Practices in India, Ethical Dilemmas in Marketing, Ethics in Advertising and Types of Unethical Advertisements

b) Ethics In Finance: Scope of Ethics in Financial Services, Ethics of a Financial Manager – Legal Issues, Balancing Act and Whistle Blower, Ethics in Taxation, Corporate Crime – White Collar Crime and Organised Crime, Major Corporate Scams in India, Role of SEBI in Ensuring Corporate Governance, Cadbury Committee Report, 1992

c) Ethics in Human Resource Management: Importance of Workplace Ethics, Guidelines to Promote Workplace Ethics, Importance of Employee Code of Conduct, Ethical Leadership

a) Concept, History of Corporate Governance in India, Need for Corporate Governance
b) Significance of Ethics in Corporate Governance, Principles of Corporate Governance, Benefits of Good Governance, Issues in Corporate Governance
c) Theories- Agency Theory, Shareholder Theory, Stakeholder Theory and Stewardship Theory
d) Corporate Governance in India, Emerging Trends in Corporate Governance, Models of Corporate Governance, Insider Trading

  • Meaning of CSR, Evolution of CSR, Types of Social Responsibility
  • Aspects of CSR- Responsibility, Accountability, Sustainability and Social Contract
  • Need for CSR
  • CSR Principles and Strategies
  • Issues in CSR
  • Social Accounting
  • Tata Group’s CSR Rating Framework
  • Sachar Committee Report on CSR
  • Ethical Issues in International Business Practices
  • Recent Guidelines in CSR
  • Society’s Changing Expectations of Business With Respect to Globalisation
  • Future of CSR

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