FYBCOM Business Communication Sem 1 Chapter 3 Notes (Communication at Workplace)
Q1) Choose the correct answers:
1) Forms of communication in which words are used to are convey messages referred to as _____________ .
a) Visual
b) Verbal
c) Non-verbal
2) When a message is expressed using gestures or signs, it is _____________ Communication.
a) Oral
b) Verbal
c) Non-verbal
3) Visual communication uses ______________ to communicate messages.
a) pictures
b) language
c) signs
4) One of the greatest advantages of ______________ communication is that it leads to accountability.
a) oral
b) nonverbal
c) written
5) Know your ________________ for effective communication.
a) neighbour
b) friend
c) audience
6) Informal communication consists of ________________.
a) vertical communication
b) horizontal communication
c) communication through grapevine
d) diagonal communication
7) _______________ communication cannot be trusted fully.
a) vertical
b) horizontal
c) diagonal
d) grapevine.
8) The fastest means of communication _________________.
a) vertical
b) horizontal
c) diagonal
d) grapevine.
Q1 B) State whether the following statements are true or false :
1) Paralanguage must be expressed consciously – True
2) Loudness or softness of the tone of voice bring about a sense of e desirability or undesirability of the message – True
3) Written communication is useful for conveying secrets – False
4) Oral communication becomes a permanent record – False
5) Colours cannot convey messages – False
6) Horizontal communication often leads to ego clashes – False
7) Distortion of message takes place when lines of communication are short – False
8) Horizontal communication consists of upward and downward communication – False
9) Suggestions and grievances are a part of downward communication – False
Q1 C) Match the following columns :
Column A | Column B (Answers) |
1)Verbal Communication | Oral and written communication |
2) Written communication | Delayed communication |
3) Hierarchy | Levels of authority and power of an organisation |
4) Diagonal communication | Bypass Authority |
5) Proximics | Study of space dynamics in communication |
6) Kinesics | Study of body language |
7) Paralanguage | Study of voice volume, pitch and speed of speaking |
8) Face to face communication | Verbal and nonverbal Communication |
9) Vertical communication | Communication between seniors and Juniors |
10) Horizontal communication | Communication between equals |
11) Oculesics | Study of eye contact |
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